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Discuss With Your Neighbor … 1.What happens to organisms when they die? 2. Where does the nutrients from the organisms go? 3. If an organism dies, why.

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Presentation on theme: "Discuss With Your Neighbor … 1.What happens to organisms when they die? 2. Where does the nutrients from the organisms go? 3. If an organism dies, why."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discuss With Your Neighbor … 1.What happens to organisms when they die? 2. Where does the nutrients from the organisms go? 3. If an organism dies, why do their remains disappear?

2 1. What caused the fruit to change colors? 2. Why did it lose most of its mass? 3. Where did all of the mass go?

3 Who do you Agree With? Three friends were talking about carbon dioxide and oxygen in the ecosystem. They each had different ideas. This is what they said: Flynn: I think animals take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants then take in the carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and the cycle continues. Jervis: I think both plants and animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide; but only the plants take in the carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and the cycle continues. Melody: I think both plants and animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide is not cycled again by living things.

4 The Carbon Cycle Cartoon Cycle/zX670b656f7c786e7d674f63.htm

5 Who do you Agree With? Three friends were talking about carbon dioxide and oxygen in the ecosystem. They each had different ideas. This is what they said: Flynn: I think animals take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants then take in the carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and the cycle continues. Jervis: I think both plants and animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide; but only the plants take in the carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and the cycle continues Melody: I think both plants and animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide is not cycled again by living things.

6 Review – The Carbon Cycle! What’s the deal with carbon?!?! 8

7 Cycling of Matter – Important Vocabulary Conservation of Matter – In a closed system, the amount of matter must remain constant over time. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed

8 Cycling of Matter – Important Vocabulary Biomass – Biological material made of living, or previously living, organisms

9 Cycling of Matter – Important Vocabulary Compost – Decayed organic material

10 Cycling of Matter – Important Vocabulary Decay – Rot or decompose (break down into elements)

11 Cycling of Matter – Important Vocabulary Humus – Dark, organic material formed in soil from decayed material

12 Cycling of Matter – Important Vocabulary Microorganism – A microscopic organism (invisible to the naked eye)

13 What’s the Nitrogen Cycle? ms/science/ecosystems/nitrogen-cycle.htm

14 How Is Nitrogen Cycled? 1.Lightning – Changes nitrogen gas in the air to nitrogen compounds, which fall to the ground when it rains. 2.Bacteria in soil - Convert nitrogen compounds into nitrogen gas 3.Bacteria in roots – Take in and use nitrogen compounds from the soil 4.Plants – Convert nitrogen compounds into nitrogen gas 5.Decaying matter & waste – Return nitrogen compounds to the soil 6.Animals – Eat plants

15 Considering the following …. 1.What is the nitrogen Cycle? 2.How do humans get nitrogen? 3.What is a key component of the cycle?

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