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Alliteration and Kenning

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1 Alliteration and Kenning
Beowulf Alliteration and Kenning

2 Alliteration The repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close together in a poem or the repetition of consonant sounds that are similar

3 Alliteration Examples Dusk demands daylight
Sister Susie sitting on a thistle Miss Mary Mack Dressy daffodils “The paper holds their folded faces to the floor…”

4 Alliteration “So Hrothgar’s men lived happy in his hall Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend, Grendel, who haunted the moors, the wild Marshes, and made his home in a hell Not hell but Earth. He was spawned in that slime…”

5 Kennings A literary device in which a noun is renamed in a creative way using compound words, prepositional phrases or a union of two separate words to combine ideas A special kind of metaphor

6 Kennings Kenning Noun Arrow aimer Bow Antique printer Pen Tickle tool Feather Winters of grief An era of pain

7 Kennings Listening, the famous ring-giver sure,
“Hrothgar, gray-haired and brave, sat happily Listening, the famous ring-giver sure, At last, that Grendel could be killed; he believed In Beowulf’s bold strength and the firmness of his spirit.”

8 Kennings Create your own kennings A teacher Firemen Television Police

9 Alliteration and Kenning
Why do you think Anglo-Saxon poets utilized alliteration and kennings to tell their stories?

10 El Fin

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