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EQ: How is scientific inquiry used to understand the world?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: How is scientific inquiry used to understand the world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: How is scientific inquiry used to understand the world?

2  a.k.a. independent variable  Factor which is changed by the scientist in an experiment  Example: from the virtual composting lab ◦ brown to green ratio ◦ amount of water ◦ number of turns  Graphed on the x axis  Your experiments should only have ONE test variable.

3  a.k.a. dependent variable  Factor which is observed or measured; the data collected  Example: from the virtual composting lab ◦ low, medium, or high efficiency  Graphed on the y axis

4  Experiments have: ◦ experimental group ◦ control group.  Experimental group receives ‘treatment.’  The control group receives no treatment.  Controls give you something to compare your results to.

5  Factors that are held the same in an experiment.  This is everything else except the one test variable.  Example: from the virtual composting lab ◦ Length of time (one month) ◦ Amount of sunlight ◦ Size of area ◦ Location of compost pile

6  A possible explanation  Something that can be tested  Must be written in such a way that it could be proven false

7  Scientists predict what will happen when they test their hypothesis.  “My results support my hypothesis.”  “My results do not support my hypothesis.”

8  DO NOT change your hypothesis to match your results.  A scientist would start over. He/she would re-think and re-write their hypothesis and then would begin testing the new hypothesis.

9  Avoid the words “think,” “believe,” and “feel.” ◦ (Keep it objective rather than subjective.)  Use an “If…then…” statement. ◦ If I water a plant once a week, then it will grow taller than if I water it every day.  Even better, use an “If…then…because…” statement. Give a reason why. ◦ If I water a plant once a week, then it will grow better than if I water it every day because it will receive the optimal amount of water needed for growth.

10  Hypothesis should use the test and outcome variables.  Step 1: Identify test and outcome variables. Use them to write a hypothesis.  Step 2: use the If…then…format. ◦ If (I use this test variable), then (I will see this outcome) because (support with a reason).

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