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100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Exploring Space TelescopesEM SpectrumSpacecraftMiscellaneous.

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2 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Exploring Space TelescopesEM SpectrumSpacecraftMiscellaneous Final Jeopardy

3 Help (1) Save a duplicate of this template. (2) Enter all answers and questions in the normal view. (view/normal) (3) Change the category headings in the normal view (view/normal) (4) View as a slideshow. (5) Use the home red button after each question. ©Norman Herr, 2003

4 ANSWER: This a group of stars held together by their own gravity.ANSWER: This a group of stars held together by their own gravity. QUESTION: What is a galaxy?QUESTION: What is a galaxy?

5 ANSWER: This is a group of stars that forms a pattern in the sky.ANSWER: This is a group of stars that forms a pattern in the sky. QUESTION: What is a constellation?QUESTION: What is a constellation?

6 ANSWER: This star is known as the North Star.ANSWER: This star is known as the North Star. QUESTION: What is Polaris?QUESTION: What is Polaris?

7 ANSWER: This causes constellations to rise and set in the sky.ANSWER: This causes constellations to rise and set in the sky. QUESTION: What is the Earth’s rotation?QUESTION: What is the Earth’s rotation?

8 ANSWER: This is the correct arrangement of the universe from smallest to largest.ANSWER: This is the correct arrangement of the universe from smallest to largest. QUESTION: What is Earth, solar system, galaxy, and universe?QUESTION: What is Earth, solar system, galaxy, and universe?

9 ANSWER: This type of telescope uses mirrors to gather light.ANSWER: This type of telescope uses mirrors to gather light. QUESTION: What is a reflecting telescope?QUESTION: What is a reflecting telescope?

10 ANSWER: This part of a radio telescope gathers radiation.ANSWER: This part of a radio telescope gathers radiation. QUESTION: What is the dish?QUESTION: What is the dish?

11 ANSWER: This is the advantage that the Hubble Space Telescope has over all ground-based telescopes.ANSWER: This is the advantage that the Hubble Space Telescope has over all ground-based telescopes. QUESTION: What is it is not affected by the Earth’s atmosphere?QUESTION: What is it is not affected by the Earth’s atmosphere?

12 ANSWER: This is the type of wave that reflecting and refracting telescopes gather.ANSWER: This is the type of wave that reflecting and refracting telescopes gather. QUESTION: What is visible light?QUESTION: What is visible light?

13 ANSWER: The name and type of the largest telescope observatory in the world.ANSWER: The name and type of the largest telescope observatory in the world. QUESTION: What is Arecibo and radio?QUESTION: What is Arecibo and radio?

14 ANSWER: This is made up of all the different forms of electromagnetic radiation.ANSWER: This is made up of all the different forms of electromagnetic radiation. QUESTION: What is the electromagnetic spectrum?QUESTION: What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

15 ANSWER: This type of wave has the longest wavelength.ANSWER: This type of wave has the longest wavelength. QUESTION: What are radio waves?QUESTION: What are radio waves?

16 ANSWER: This is the difference between UV and infrared radiation.ANSWER: This is the difference between UV and infrared radiation. QUESTION: What is wavelength?QUESTION: What is wavelength?

17 ANSWER: This is the device that separates the visible light spectrum.ANSWER: This is the device that separates the visible light spectrum. QUESTION: What is a spectroscope or a prism?QUESTION: What is a spectroscope or a prism?

18 ANSWER: This is the correct order of colors in the visible light spectrum from the shortest to the longest wavelength. QUESTION: What is violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red?

19 ANSWER: This is the purpose of all spacecraft. QUESTION: What is to study space?

20 ANSWER: This type of spacecraft does not travel to other planets to gather information. QUESTION: What is a space station?

21 ANSWER: This is Earth’s natural satellite. QUESTION: What is the moon?

22 ANSWER: This is the number of nations involved in the development of the International Space Station. QUESTION: What is 17?

23 ANSWER: These are the 2 types of spacecraft that were used in the 1995 Galileo Mission. QUESTION: What is an orbiter and a probe?

24 ANSWER: These are the 2 reasons why telescopes are built on mountain tops and in rural areas. QUESTION: What is to avoid city lights and atmospheric interference?

25 ANSWER: Classify this spacecraft. QUESTION: What is a probe?

26 This is the star that is closest to Earth.ANSWER: This is the star that is closest to Earth. What is the Sun?QUESTION: What is the Sun?

27 ANSWER: This is the unit of measurement that light travels in one year. QUESTION: What is a light year?

28 ANSWER: These celestial bodies have been reached by lander spacecraft. QUESTION: What are the moon, Mars, and Venus?

29 ANSWER: The names and type(s) of the 2 rocks scientists found on the moon. QUESTION: What is basalt (igneous) and breccia (sedimentary)?

30 ANSWER: The number of kilometers in a light year. QUESTION: What is 9.5 trillion kilometers?

31 ANSWER: The number of times the Mars Pathfinder lander bounced on the Martian surface before coming to a stop. QUESTION: What is 16?

32 ANSWER: The number of miles in a light year. QUESTION: What is 6 trillion miles?

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