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What about Whales? An accessible book by Amy Fleming.

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2 What about Whales? An accessible book by Amy Fleming

3 This picture shows hunters going out to catch whales for food to eat and fat to burn during the long Arctic winters.

4 In small boats, hunting for whales is both difficult and dangerous.

5 The bowhead whale may be 18 – 20 metres long. Each year about 50 of these whales are hunted and used by the Alaskan Eskimos.

6 The right whale is still endangered even after being protected for 50 years. Many years ago, it was the “right” whale to hunt because it moved slowly and floated after being killed. Large ships from many countries hunted whales.

7 The sperm whale is a large toothed whale that is endangered. It is estimated that there are 2 million sperm whales today. A sperm whale dive can last up to an hour in water 3.3 km deep.

8 Sperm whales are the largest whales with teeth. They eat mostly squid, including the giant squid.

9 Humpback whales are found in all the oceans on Earth. Scientists study these whales and identify them by their different dorsal fins or tails.

10 A humpback whale has long flippers but no teeth!

11 Humpback whales do not eat during the winter months. They live on their fat from eating small creatures called plankton in the summer months.

12 Some whales have baleen instead of teeth. Baleen is like stiff hair that can trap the plankton.

13 We use special words to talk about whale movement. This whale is spy hopping.

14 This whale is breaching.

15 This whale is fluking before a dive.

16 Killer whales or orcas are found in oceans all over the Earth. The tall dorsal fin of the killer whale make it easy to identify and study. Click to hear an orca

17 Orcas are the fastest mammals in the sea. Orcas live together in groups called pods.

18 The black and white colours of a killer whale may help camouflage the orca as it moves quickly through the water.

19 Killer whales have large appetites and are awesome hunters. They hunt cooperatively in groups. Other ocean animals do not hunt orcas.

20 The beluga whale is a slow swimmer. Killer whales, polar bears, and people hunt belugas. Belugas eat prey from the bottom of the ocean, like squid, octopi, and worms.

21 The End But you can go to many websites to see more great photos of whales!

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