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Introduction to Business & Marketing

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1 Introduction to Business & Marketing
The Business Cycle Introduction to Business & Marketing Distribute: note guide!!

2 The Business Cycle Economies naturally go through ups & downs.
The business cycle is the rise and fall of economic activity over time. In the United States… Economic “slumps” in 1930s, 50s, 70s, 2000s Fall in economic activity & rise in unemployment Slumps followed by new waves of increased productivity and increased GDP

3 Stages of the Cycle Prosperity Recession Depression Recovery

4 Prosperity Also known as the “peak”
Higher wages, more jobs available, higher demand for goods/services Unemployment is low, GDP is high People are spending!

5 Recession Economic activity slows down – less production of goods, downturns in industry GDP decreasing, unemployment increasing People start to save!

6 Depression Deep recession that lasts for years and affects the entire economy Unemployment is high, GDP is low Government starts trying to “stimulate” the economy People are saving!

7 Recovery Also known as “expansion”
Rise in business activity after a recession or depression Innovation occurs – business start bringing out new products & services Unemployment decreasing, GDP increasing People start to spend!

8 “Entrepreneurship in the Midst of Recession”
Recession Article “Entrepreneurship in the Midst of Recession” Read the article and complete the entrepreneur chart, then answer the discussion questions in full sentences.

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