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NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20081 Title Page NDE NPOESS Data Exploitation – NESDIS James G. (Jim) Yoe, NESDIS/OSD NDE Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20081 Title Page NDE NPOESS Data Exploitation – NESDIS James G. (Jim) Yoe, NESDIS/OSD NDE Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20081 Title Page NDE NPOESS Data Exploitation – NESDIS James G. (Jim) Yoe, NESDIS/OSD NDE Integration Coordinator

2 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20082 Overview NESDIS NDE Review/Overview COPC Action Item 2008-1.10 –Response and Recommendation NDE Project Status Summary – Issues

3 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20083 NDE Mission and Objectives Deliver NPOESS data products and assist NOAA and other civilian operational users to realize the potential of NPOESS observations Disseminate NPOESS Data Records to real-time civilian users Generate and disseminate tailored NPOESS Data Records Generate and disseminate NOAA-unique products (enhanced data products constructed from NPOESS Data Records) Deliver NOAA-unique products, product processing elements, and associated metadata to CLASS for long-term archiving Provide services to customers, including NDE product training, product enhancement, and implementation support across NOAA Provide software for NPOESS Data Record format translation and other data manipulations

4 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20084 NPOESS & NDE NPOESS Data Exploitation SafetyNet NPOESS Ground Systems Command and Control Operational User Community Archive and Access NPP NPOESS C1 NDE Enhanced Products Quality Control Near Real-time Delivery Generic NPOESS Data NOAA Science Center (operated in ESPC) Process Ingest NDE will be a critical link to achieve return on the NPOESS investment – beginning with NPP

5 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20085 NDE Management Team AWIPS Design Partners NDE Product Development Teams (STAR & Others) NDE Product Development Teams (STAR & Others) ESPC Infrastructure Acquisition, Operations (OSDPD) NDE Project Manager Jim Silva NDE Project Manager Jim Silva Data Centers CLASS STAR NDE System Architect Geof Goodrum NDE System Architect Geof Goodrum NOAA System Integration Teams (NCEP, CoastWatch, AWIPS & Others) NOAA System Integration Teams (NCEP, CoastWatch, AWIPS & Others) System Development Team (OSDPD) NDE Systems Integration Coordinator Jim Yoe NDE Systems Integration Coordinator Jim Yoe NDE Product Development Manager Tom Schott NDE Product Development Manager Tom Schott

6 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20086 COPC Action Item 2008-1.10 The prioritization of NESDIS NDE Initiatives as it relates to the time phasing of the NPP/NDE, requires further coordination. The NESDIS should work more closely with DoD partners and the JCSDA to ensure coordination of priorities. NESDIS should provide a review of these initiatives at the next COPC meeting. –AI arose from COPC reaction to the NPP Product Development phasing efforts (see next slides).

7 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20087 NDE Product Development NDE supporting 3 major NOAA-Unique Product (NUPs) development lines –CrIS/ATMS Thinned Radiance –Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) –Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Phased Approach for NPP –Phase I to provide legacy products for NOAA mission continuity –Phase II to provide other legacy products

8 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20088 NPP Phase 1 CrIS Thinned RadiancesSST AnalysisSea Surface Temperature (SST) CrIS Cloud Cleared RadiancesBlended SSTNadir Profile Ozone Total Precipitable Water (ATMS)SST AnomaliesOzone Total Column Snow Cover (ATMS)Coral Reef Degree HeatingSnow Cover and Depth Precipitation Type/Rate (ATMS)Coral Reef BleachingImagery Surface Emissivity (ATMS)Total Ozone (CrIS)Ocean Color/Chlorophyll Cloud Liquid Water (ATMS)Trace Gases (Carbon)Vegetation Index Sea Ice Cover/Concentration (ATMS)SST (AVHRR-like)Active Fires Snow Water Equivalent (ATMS)Aerosol (AVHRR-like)Atmospheric Temperature Profile Ice Water Path (ATMS)ATMS RadiancesAtmospheric Moisture Profile Land Surface Temperature (ATMS)CrIS RadiancesAerosol Optical Thickness Temperature Profiles (ATMS)VIIRS RadiancesLand Surface Type Moisture Profiles (ATMS)OMPS RadiancesSurface Albedo Rain Water Path/Profile (ATMS)Cloud MaskCloud Cover/Layers Y NUPs B xDRs Phase 1 (3-20 months after NPP Launch): Legacy mission continuity replacement products comprised of currently funded NOAA Unique Products (NUPs) and xDRs

9 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 20089 NPP Phase 2 Polar Winds (VIIRS)Fire PotentialCloud Top Height (VIIRS) Limb Profile OzoneNear Coast Ocean ColorIce Surface Temperature Blended Snow CoverIntegrated xDRs at CrIS ResolutionNet Heat Flux Harmful Algal Blooms (VIIRS)Cloud Liquid Water Path (VIIRS)Sea Ice Characterization (VIIRS) Blended OzoneCloud Ice Water Path (VIIRS)Suspended Matter Blended Total Precipitable WaterCloud Top Temperature (VIIRS)Atmospheric Pressure Profile Tropical Rainfall PotentialAerosol Particle SizeQuarterly Surface Type Gridded Clear Sky Radiances (VIIRS)Cloud Top TemperatureSoil Moisture Vegetation HealthCloud Top Pressure Vegetation MoistureLand Surface Temperature (VIIRS) Drought IndicesCloud Base Height Vegetation Thermal ConditionsCloud Effective Particle Size Leaf Area IndexCloud Optical Thickness Phase 2 (20 months after NPP Launch to 1 month prior to C1 launch): Additional legacy products and enhanced products comprised of NUPs and xDRs not linked to mission continuity YNUPs BxDRs

10 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200810 NDE Response to AI 2008-1.10 JCSDA Director presented NDE’s NPP product phasing to Executive Team (DoD, NASA, & NOAA) –With understanding that ability to re-prioritize NUP development sharply limited by need to support NWP, funding availability, and time JCSDA partners most interested in obtaining –CrIS/ATMS radiances –VIIRS Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMV winds) Note that NOAA is supporting development of AVHRR AMVs w/o water vapor channel; if successful will apply to VIIRS NOAA NDE also has identified additional “internal NUPs” which may be made available to DoD –CrIS/ATMS Principal Components from radiances - USN

11 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200811 NDE Response to AI 2008-1.10 JCSDA ranks NPP preparation as highest priority –Prior to NPP launch, JCSDA will Ingest simulated datasets to ensure that file formats and processing chain including CRTM (Community-based radiative transfer Model) are ready –Immediately after launch, JCSDA will Start monitoring data quality of CrIS and ATMS against background and analysis fields; diagnostics will be made available to NPP team but not to the general public –Excerpted from L.P. Riishojgaard’s presentation to Sounding OAT Recommendation: Close the Action Item

12 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200812 NDE Project Status SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT : Subsystem Builds

13 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200813 Testing w/NPOESS Ground System –System Interface Tests ahead ICT 14 (C3S): ~20 Jan 2009 ICT 10 (IDPS): ~9 Mar 2009 ICT 13 (Ancillary Data): ~May 2009 NCT 3 (EtE): ~15 June 2009 –COTS Software Requirement for Java API Borland Visibroker licensing IT Security –Identify NIST SP800-53 Security Controls Common and NDE System Specific Due 31 Oct 2008 NDE Architecture Status 13

14 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200814 NDE Architecture Status IDPS Face to Face (8-9 Oct) –Performance improvements (4 copy at NESDIS) –Prototyping software for NPOESS –Evaluating hardware for NPOESS Shared Architecture –Presented NDE to GAS IPT as notional architecture for ESPC (16 Oct) –Update and present at ESPC Evolution meeting (19 Dec) 14

15 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200815 NDE Implementation Progress –Data Handling System Development; Successful Ingest Demonstration at the September 26 th NDE Quality Review Completed NDE Tailoring Tool Evaluation and Analysis –IDPS to NDE testing support; Continued support of IDPS interface testing Integrated, configured, and tested SAN disks with previously received 9222i Cisco switches Received two Dell servers to support StorNext Meta Data Control (MDC) Estimate shipment of MDC RAID from LSI on October 29 th –Created the NDE Subsystem Boundary Diagram for security documentation

16 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200816 NDE Implementation Plans –Continue work with IDPS on interface testing; Continue to receive and configure network, disk storage, and metadata servers hardware, and StorNext software –Test Readiness Review for the Ingest Subsystem scheduled for November –Begin development of the HDF to Net CDF Data Reader Prototype in November –Define the NDE Security Controls by the end of November

17 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200817 NDE Systems Integration Interface Development NDE-ESPC ICD –Signature version delivered 11/7/2008 –Goal: signed ICD by 2/3/2009 NDE-CLASS ICD –Signature version delivered for review 10/24/2008 –Goal: signed ICD by 2/3/2009 NDE-STAR/CE ICD –First Draft being prepared based on input from 7/7/2008 NDE-NWS/TOC ICD – NDE-SIC met with new TOC Director 10/6/2008 Joint NDE-TOC team to outline way forward Need to determine what document(s) needed between TOC-AWIPS Technology Infusion, and NDE-AWIPS-TI

18 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200818 System Integration - Users AWIPS Technology Infusion Project –Coordinate schedules, architectures, smart push-pull for data –Work with NWS HQ to identify product requirements Collaboration with Hydrometeor Testbed –HMT gets enhanced data to support forecasts/warning –NDE gets data/expertise to validate precipitation products Outreach and Training –Identify new applications and new users –Develop/support training modules for products –Exploit existing resources COMET, NWS Training Division, VISIT, SHYMET

19 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200819 NDE -COPC Issues Distribution of NPP NUPS to COPC Partners –Determine detailed requirements – formats, volumes, etc. –Establish interim methodology & protocol NDE Distribution Build will not be complete until 2011 –Adequacy of Network Encourage co-development by NDE and the DoD Centrals –For data product development NDE and NOAA CoastWatch users would like VIIRS proxy data –For tools and system elements NDE data tailoring tools may be of interest to AFWA –For (user) training Back-up options for ingest data, processing, and distribution in the NPOESS era

20 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200820 NPP Status VIIRS status –Senior Government Manager on site at Raytheon, appointed as COTR –EMI testing regression ongoing –April 2009 delivery to NPP doubtful NASA maintains LRD 14 months after VIIRS delivery Tri-agency Team established to evaluate several NPP options –NDE prepared to evaluate impacts on current baseline and identify its resource requirements for each option

21 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200821 Back-Up Slides

22 NDE NOAA NDECOPC Meeting Offutt AFB November 13, 200822 NPP Reformatting to Support JCSDA Prioritized ProductBUFRGRIB2Comments ATMS RadiancesX BUFR Table expected end Nov 2008 CrIS RadiancesX BUFR Table expected end Oct 2008 Nadir Profile Ozone (OMPS) and OMPS (NP) Radiances X VIIRS RadiancesX Snow Cover X Vegetation Index X Aerosol Optical ThicknessX Sea Surface TemperatureX

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