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Update Presentation January 12, 2015 Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center Town Project Team: Christopher Whelan – Town Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Update Presentation January 12, 2015 Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center Town Project Team: Christopher Whelan – Town Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update Presentation January 12, 2015 Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center Town Project Team: Christopher Whelan – Town Manager Richard Reine, PWLF – Public Works Director Bill Renault P.E. – Town Engineer Weston and Sampson Project Team: Jeff Alberti – Program Manager Jamie Fair – Project Manager Vertex Inc., Owner’s Project Manager Team: Jon Lemieux – Senior Vice President

2 Agenda  Review Programming Process  Review Existing Site Conditions  Survey of existing conditions  Subsurface investigation (borings and test pits)  Review Concept Development  Review Conceptual Cost Estimate  Discuss Next Steps Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

3 Programming Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

4 Attended a kickoff meeting with key stake holders Interviewed maintenance staff Identified responsibilities Developed vehicle/equipment inventories Reviewed daily work flow patterns Observed operations Explored the optimum work flow Prepared a space needs assessment for each building space based on the staff interviews Programming Process Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

5 Existing Site Conditions Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

6 Prepared an existing conditions survey plan Conducted a subsurface investigation to assess requirements for building foundations – Advanced borings to depths of 19 feet – Site consists primarily of a layer of native medium to dense / coarse sand and gravel over a layer of medium to fine sand – Groundwater was not encountered in any of the borings Completed a limited test pit investigation and no visual or olfactory signs of contamination were observed. Potential for contamination still exists and will not be known until all excavation work has been completed. Existing Site Conditions Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

7 Concept Development Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

8 Concept Development Considerations  Identified site requirements  Building requirements (+/- 6,200 SF Building)  Employee parking requirements ( 43 spaces for maintenance staff and bus drivers)  Bus parking (40 - 40’ long buses)  Fueling  Stormwater management system  Solar array access Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

9 Concept Development Considerations  Site opportunities and constraints  Site Access  Topography  Wetlands / NHESP  Tennessee Gas Easement  Solar Aray  Superfund / 21E site status  Circulation patterns  Access to fueling prior to parking  Limit backing up of vehicles  Separate employee parking from bus parking/circulation Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center SITE

10 Concept Development Considerations Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center 200’ Riverfront Area NHESP Area (limited restrictions) Steep grade change Tennessee Gas Easement 100 Year Flood Zone Solar Array SITE Site Access

11 Concept Development Considerations Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

12 Concept Development Considerations Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center Bus Parking Area Bus Maintenance Facility Employee Parking Area Fuel Island

13 Concept Development Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center Maintenance Bays Maintenance Support Space Employee Support Space

14 Concept Development Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center Maintenance Bays Maintenance Support Space Employee Support Space

15 Concept Development Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

16 Conceptual Cost Estimate Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

17 Conceptual Cost Estimate Proposed Building Type: Cost effective pre-engineered metal building Factory foam insulated wall panel system over a durable masonry base Insulated standing metal roof Code required heating and ventilation systems Basic interior finishes – High bay exposed ceiling for vehicle lifting – Exposed concrete slab-on grade – CMU walls for interior support spaces – Basic industrial maintenance equipment Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center Sample photo of similar four bay maintenance building

18 Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center ARTICLE 15: School Transportation Facility - Supplemental Appropriation cost estimatefinancing Design & EngineeringArticle 12 (2014) Owner's Project Manager (Vertex)$89,000CPS Capital Needs Stabilization Fund$925,000 Arch & Engr. (Weston & Sampson)281,000 Construction Administration (OPM/A&E)200,000est.Article 24 (2015) Owner's contingency (8.8%)50,000Debt Authorization for School Bus Depot950,000 a.subtotal$620,000subtotal, already authorized$1,875,000 ConstructionArticle 12 (2016) Building - 6,246 sfdetailProposed allocation of a portion of Pre-engineered metal bldg$286,000annual CPS capital allocation$300,000 HVAC150,000new subtotal$2,175,000 Plumbing & fire protection150,000 Electrical185,000Article 15 (2016) Concrete165,000Supplemental funding proposed Masonry91,000as Debt authorization subject to a all other building292,000$1,319,000debt exclusion town-wide ballot vote$1,950,000 Site work TOTAL PROJECT FINANCING $4,125,000 Bituminous concrete359,000 gravel113,000 all other724,0001,196,000 fuel/industrial equipment135,000 subtotal$2,650,000 General conditions (8%)$212,000 Overhead & profit (5%)133,000 Insurance & bonds (2%)53,000 b.Construction TOTAL$3,048,000 c.Construction contingency (15%)$457,000 a+b+c TOTAL PROJECT COST $4,125,000

19 Next Steps Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

20 Final Steps  Permitting  Development of bid documents  Updated cost estimates  Bidding  Construction Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

21 Questions / Comments Town of Concord School Bus Transportation and Maintenance Center

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