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Biography  Nietzsche was born in the German village of Rocken bei Lutzen on October 15, 1844.  He was a sickly, yet creative, youth who wrote plays,

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2 Biography  Nietzsche was born in the German village of Rocken bei Lutzen on October 15, 1844.  He was a sickly, yet creative, youth who wrote plays, poems, and music.  All the men Nietzsche’s family were Lutheran ministers and he was expected to follow in their footsteps.

3  In 1864 Nietzsche began Theology studies at the University of Bonn.  After a semester he lost faith in Christianity.  The next year he began Philology courses at the University of Leipzig.

4  In 1871 Nietzsche published his first major philosophical work, “The Birth of Tragedy From The Spirit of Music.”  Over the next few years Nietzsche wrote several books, plays, essays, and musical pieces while teaching at the University of Basel.  In 1879 his health deteriorated and he was forced to resign.  Over the next ten years Nietzsche wandered Europe, seeking to regain his health.

5  In 1889 Nietzsche fell victim to psychosis and his career came to an end.  Nietzsche died on August 25, 1900

6 Philosophy “Man is something that must be overcome.” - Nietzsche, “And Thus Spoke Zarathustra”  Nietzsche believed that humanity was inherently depraved but individuals possess the power to improve themselves beyond society.

7  Nietzsche believed the senses could be, and had to be, trusted.  Nietzsche believed that the Universe was homogenous and secular. Sense Perception

8 Ubermensch Nietzsche believed that man could escape his inherent absurdity through focused creative activity and achieve the state of Ubermensch, which means superman.

9 “God is dead.”-Nietzsche  Nietzsche believed that the Christian God was no longer a relevant or true source of absolute moral values. He believed that Christianity had become obsolete. Nietzsche was searching for a set of moral values that ran deeper than those set forth by a religion.

10 Influences  Nietzsche was influenced by Arthur Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard.

11 Groups Nietzsche Influenced  The Nazi party used Nietzsche’s concept of Ubermensch as justification for Eugenics.  Nietzsche influenced the French Existentialist Movement.

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