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9.3 Order of Operations.

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Presentation on theme: "9.3 Order of Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 9.3 Order of Operations

2 Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
P.E.M.D.A.S Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

3 E Exponents - Find the value of numbers with exponents
Parenthesis - (perform operations in parenthesis first) E Exponents - Find the value of numbers with exponents

4 M/D Multiply OR Divide from LEFT to RIGHT
A/S Add OR Subtract from LEFT to RIGHT

÷ 3 2


7 6 x ÷ 3 + 1

8 Your Turn Pg. 250 X – 450 ÷ 3 2

9 How do you use order of operations to simplify expressions?

10 P. E. M. D. A. S. 4 x (9 ÷ 3) (12 −2) 2

11 Simplify the expression using Order of operations

12 Your Turn Pg. 251 5 x (20 ÷4) − (5+2) 2

13 How do you use the order of operations to simplify expressions?

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