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Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Training Resource Center Overview for Training Providers

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Presentation on theme: "Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Training Resource Center Overview for Training Providers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Training Resource Center Overview for Training Providers

2 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Training Resource Center “will offer the opportunity for workforce staff to serve their clients more effectively through current information on programs available and the option of requesting particular training. For educational institutions, the center will offer a communications tool for promoting openings in existing programs and courses and a means to help create new training offerings when demand for training of specific kinds is identified.” Vice Chancellor Linda Baer, 2/13/09

3 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. The Training Resource Center (TRC) is a web-based tool that allows counselors, employers, and the general public to quickly find or request training to help Minnesotans become reemployed.

4 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Partnership: Co-sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development and Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Funding: $400,000 for a 2-year, phased project through a Minnesota Job Skills Partnership grant Infrastructure: Leverage redesigned ISEEK framework and previous Training Fulfillment Center (TFC)

5 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Business Need/Drivers: Near term: –Recession –Overwhelming demand for reemployment services Ongoing: –Increasing demand for human capital in a global economy –Opportunity to exploit technology advances

6 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Vision of TRC: Help over-extended counselors to find and request training for their clients Provide workers with training that results in work-related credential or test preparation Inform counselors and training institutions of demand-driven training needs Support employer/counselor/educator communication and partnerships to address skill gaps

7 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Phase 1 - May 2009: Targeted audiences are: ●Career counselors and resource area staff (DEED-sponsored programs and certified providers) ●Training providers (Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and the University of Minnesota) Re-launch of the 2002 Training Fulfillment Center with modest enhancements


9 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource.

10 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Short-Term Procedures: When counselors request training, TRC will e-mail that request to the regional training representative(s). ● Training representatives, review requests and respond within two to three business days ● Confirm the training request by contacting the counselor directly (please cc: TRC)

11 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Common responses from training representatives: ● provide information of current work-related training that is specific to the requested occupation or industry ● discuss past training that can be offered with enough participants ● offer possible new training that can be offered with enough participants

12 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Next Steps in Phase 1: TRC to communicate with local training providers and counselors about launch Fine tune the communication, requests and response processes Manual aggregation of training requests Test the counselor network for possible expansion – social network for you? Best practices forum: learn from each other

13 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Revisit past TFC successes Characterize workers to match with training What information do you need from counselors? What you would add to it (e.g., job profiling analysis)? What is most helpful from you to develop training? Identification of skill and work competencies Provides information on gaps relative to occupations in demand Use this list to pool candidates and create training

14 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Phase 2: Expanded audiences & enhancements Targeted audiences are: –Counselors –Employers –Training providers –General public User-centered design In May, TRC staff will survey these groups to identify needs Enhancements will roll out starting in June

15 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Phase 2: Vision and Enhancements Improve upon past TFC successes Online communication system to create groups based on users’ needs Automated aggregator /training matching system Skill gap assessment to help identify training needs Integration with online tools (e.g., ISEEK’s education data, MnWorks, MnSCU registration, financial aid, etc.)

16 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Discussion and Q/A: What does success look like for you? –TRC usefulness increases with the extent to which it is used –Dependent on incorporation into business practices: technology is only an enabler Issues with TFC: what worked, what didn’t What do we need to know from you? What we need from you: ongoing feedback

17 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. “Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is in a unique position to significantly contribute to the recovery of the state’s economy and your efforts are greatly appreciated.” Vice Chancellor Linda Baer (2/13/09)

18 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. For more information, contact: Shelia Cunningham McComb Project Coordinator 651-556-0664

19 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. How to use the Training Resource Center: The following slides provide a demonstration of TRC features for training providers. Use Online Forms to promote your work-related training openings See Work-related Training Openings – what else is being offered? Respond to counselors’ training requests TRC Help: Contact Us, What’s New?, and find training materials

20 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Show Training Reps Menu

21 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Forms

22 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Training Option Form

23 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource.

24 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Work-related Training Openings - details

25 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Respond to Counselors Directly

26 Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource.

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