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To Tell the Truth… I John 2:18-27 To Tell the Truth Loving & Stern Warning –Time is winding down –Time of deception is coming –Time of deception is also.

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Presentation on theme: "To Tell the Truth… I John 2:18-27 To Tell the Truth Loving & Stern Warning –Time is winding down –Time of deception is coming –Time of deception is also."— Presentation transcript:


2 To Tell the Truth… I John 2:18-27

3 To Tell the Truth Loving & Stern Warning –Time is winding down –Time of deception is coming –Time of deception is also here

4 To Tell the Truth John affirms the coming of antichrist (a person) yet proclaims those in the spirit of antichrist are here. –1 John 4:3

5 Characteristics of antichrists (spirit of antichrist) Leave – –Do not remain under the body of biblical truth –Do not remain in the fellowship of believers

6 Deceive Lived among the believers Developed relationships Had an alternate identity Goal was to deceive believers about Jesus

7 Lie through Denial (refuse him) Of the Deity of Jesus Of the authority of Jesus

8 Characteristics of Christ-Followers –Have been given the Holy Spirit Brings clarity on Jesus Brings confession of Jesus Brings consistency in Jesus

9 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. –John 14:26 NIV

10 To Tell the Truth "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. –John 16:13 NASB

11 To Tell the Truth –Have been given foundational truth From the beginning A truth that has been experienced A truth that we must know

12 To Tell the Truth There are deceivers who are out there to trip & distract you. Those deceivers may try and forge relationships. They will always have a problem with Jesus

13 To Tell the Truth Never compromise the truth for relationship. In healthy relationships/fellowship affirm the truth of scripture. Always keep Jesus as center of who we are and what we do – not our programs.

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