GODAE OSE workshop: Towards Routine Monitoring. Pratical informations Coffee breaks: 2 are schedulled oustside at 10h30 and 15h30. Lunch : a cold buffet.

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Presentation on theme: "GODAE OSE workshop: Towards Routine Monitoring. Pratical informations Coffee breaks: 2 are schedulled oustside at 10h30 and 15h30. Lunch : a cold buffet."— Presentation transcript:

1 GODAE OSE workshop: Towards Routine Monitoring

2 Pratical informations Coffee breaks: 2 are schedulled oustside at 10h30 and 15h30. Lunch : a cold buffet is provided in a room just over there at 12h30 Dinner tonigh at « Dar Diaf » By metro : Les Carmes Menu at 30 € includes wine and café Meeting at 20h30 in front of the restaurant A plan is provided

3 Pratical informations – Wifi code provided by the receptionist – Don’t hesitate to ask me or Corinne for anything else

4 3-5 November 2007 First OSSE-OSE workshopFirst OSSE-OSE workshop 4-5 June 2009 Second GODAE Observing System Evaluation WorkshopSecond GODAE Observing System Evaluation Workshop: Towards Routine Monitoring ?

5 Agenda: day 1, Thursday, 4 June 09:00 Oke/Larnicol - Welcome and workshop objectives Session 1: Introduction and Overview of observing system components 09:30 Schiller/Dombrowsky - Status of GODAE OceanView 09:45 Brassington – Status of JCOMM ET-OOFS 10:15 Lambin/Dibarboure - Satellite altimetry: status and products 10:45 Belbeoch/Viola - JCOMM-OBS international coordination and Argo and other in situ programs status 11:15 Coffee break 11:30 Cummings - Forecast sensitivity: towards routine monitoring of the GOOS at NRL 11:45 Rabier - Lessons learned from THORPEX 12:30 Lunch Session 2: Assimilation diagnostics and metrics 13:30 Drevillon - Mercator-Ocean 13:50 Cummings - NRL 14:10 Weaver - Ensemble/Var diagnostics 14:30 Lea - UK Met Office 14:50 Brassington/Oke - BLUElink 15:10 Bertino - TOPAZ 15:30 Coffee break 16:00 Fujii - JMA 16:20 Larnicol/Guinehut – CLS 16:40 Weaver/Oke - Discussion What diagnostics are could be fed back to observational groups to support design, maintenance and justification for the GOOS? Can we coordinate our routine activities to help support each other and help improve our systems? 18:00 End of Day 1

6 Agenda: day 2, Friday, 5 June Session 3: General Contributions 09:00 Fujii - OSE experiments using the JMA ENSO forecasting system 09:20 Bertino - Evaluating the assimilation of Ferrybox data between Norway and Denmark 09:40 Brassington - Impact of SSS on a multivariate assimilation system 10:00 Rio - Impact of GOCE for modelling centers: status of GOCINO 10:20 Dibarboure - Future altimetry design : from impact studies to operational metrics or the reverse ? 10:40 Coffee break 11:00 Oke - Potential impact of HF radar and gliders on ocean forecast system 11:20 Remy - Sensitivity studies within GLORYS project (title to be confirmed) 11:40 Tranchant - Multivariate data assimilation (SAM2) of Simulated (SMOS and Aquarius) SSS in a 1/3° Atlantic ocean model (MNATL)". 12:00 Oke/Brassington - GODAE inter- comparisons around Australia 12:30 Lunch Session 4: How to move forward? 13:30 Discussion: - Currently available assimilation and QC metrics - Proposal for routine observing system assessment - International coordination - Options for engaging with observational community 15:30 Coffee break 16:00 Action: - Collating information and disseminating 16:30 End of Day 2

7 Agenda Session 1: Overview of observing system components and activities - status, plans, progress etc Rapporteurs: Belbeoch & Brassington Session 2: Assimilation diagnostics and metrics - what do we do already and how could we take advantage of that for OSE activities? Rapporteurs: Drevillon & Lea Session 3: OSE/OSSE activities - current research activities Rapporteurs: Bertino & Fukumori Session 4: How to move forward? - what, how and when? Rapporteurs: Larnicol & Oke

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