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Amin Karim Joaquin Mayoral The Importance of Teaching Standards in Engineering & Technology Programs February 12, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Amin Karim Joaquin Mayoral The Importance of Teaching Standards in Engineering & Technology Programs February 12, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amin Karim Joaquin Mayoral The Importance of Teaching Standards in Engineering & Technology Programs February 12, 2011

2 2 Agenda Current status of Standards Education Challenges to implementing Standards Education How can Academia address these challenges Concrete suggestions for Standards Education in undergraduate and graduate curriculums Feedback from the audience

3 3 Value of Standards Education A 2009 Purdue University Survey 16,000 engineering managers from 9 industry segments responded 2 key findings Finding #1: Percentage of industry that very often or quite often uses standards Aerospace:85% Alternative Energy75% Automotive65% Construction60% Electrical/Computer65% Health/Public Safety100% Medical75% Military/Government80% Others60%

4 4 Value of Standards Education - 2009 Purdue University Findings (cont’d) Finding #2 Companies that would like to hire engineers with basic knowledge of Standards Aerospace:95% Alternative Energy50% Automotive80% Construction70% Electrical/Computer65% Health/Public Safety80% Medical85% Military/Government75% Others80%

5 5 Value of Standards Education – An International Survey The Center for Global Standards Analysis conducted the survey in March-July 2008 11 major standards organizations, government agencies, and corporations from the USA, UK, China and Japan responded Key Finding: “standards education” is necessary and does have a strategic importance

6 6 Standards Education: Current Status Limited mostly to engineers, scientists and technologists Engineering students may have used standards while doing Senior Projects, but often without understanding standard infrastructures and choices of standards Generally learned “on the job” Training provided by private corporations and government agencies ASME Survey results in 2010 (unpublished) indicate that 40% of ME department heads consider that the existing curriculum is weak in coverage of codes and standards

7 7 Standards Education: Current Status Question: Is this enough in today’s fast-paced competitive world? The answer based on the results of various surveys is an overwhelming “No”.

8 8 Challenges to Standards Education at Universities ABET’s criteria for engineering and technology programs are too vague regarding learning of “standards” and hence can not be effectively enforced by “Evaluators” Professors are often not intimately familiar with the full range of standards, and how they impact design because of the lack of industry experience Perceived notion that there is little room for standards and regulations content in the curriculum

9 9 Challenges to Standards Education (cont’d) Existing engineering textbooks do not cover fundamentals or application of standards. Standards are typically considered dry and boring subject matter Inadequate collaboration between Academia and Industry (where Standards are used) Cost of buying access to Standards

10 10 How can Academia address these challenges In near term, interpret the ABET criterion (3.c) regarding “an ability to design ….. within realistic constraints” to include “standards” Request ABET to clarify the requirement of learning to apply Standards by making the accreditation criterion more explicit Develop instructional materials on “standards” for textbooks and manuals for integrating into existing courses

11 11 How can Academia address these challenges (cont’d) Request the professional licensure agency (NCEES – an ANSI member) to include knowledge of “standards” (e.g., NEC for EEs) for professional licensure Offer Cont. Ed. workshops and/or courses for practicing engineers Partner with IEEE to offer “Expert Now” modules on “standards” Include the topic of regulations and standards at Industry Advisory Board meetings

12 12 What Can Standards Bodies Do for Standards Education Increase Availability to Standards Documentation Decrease cost to academic institutions or students Provide special pricing for a subset of standards Provide increased access to online resources for students Increase Outreach Activities Reward academic programs which excel at standards education Education grants to develop standards curricula

13 13 Examples of How to Integrate Standards Within University Programs 1 st Year Treatise on standards environment including basic standards, available standards, and standards organizations 2 nd and 3 rd Year Analysis of why a standard was used in a particular design, other applicable standards options that might have been used. Senior Year Include a discussion of what standards apply to a senior project. Why a particular standard was chosen for senior design project. Graduate School Analysis of costs and benefits of developing a standard by a corporation. Analysis of the relative benefits of developing a standard with industry group participation, individual corporation or letting an appropriate standards body take the lead.

14 14 Concrete Suggestions for University Undergrad Programs Include a regulations and standards statement in the department mission Include knowledge of standards among the “Student Outcomes” Implement a strategy for integrating engineering standards within your existing curriculum Require regulations and standards review in capstone design report Consider hiring lecturers with corporate product development experience for capstone project courses and to flesh out faculty experience base

15 15 Secondary Provide Awareness through Collateral and Support Graduate Students Educate on Standards as they impact Policy and Decision Issues Working Engineers Provide Higher-level Training and Continuing Education Recommendations for Other Audiences

16 16 Standards Education: Needs for the Future According to experts, the economy of every nation depends on its ability to develop and maintain an effective “international” standards system Knowledge of standards is important to all in this fast-changing global economy: from grade school to graduate school to continuing education

17 17 Feedback from the Audience

18 18 References 1.Harding, Bruce, “Standards Education: Cooperation Between National SDOs and Education”,The World Standards Cooperation Week Conference, July 2010 2.Purcell, Donald E, Editor, “The Strategic Value of Standards Education” The Center for Global Standards Analysis, August 2008 (For a copy of the Center’s survey report, contact

19 19 Thank You!!

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