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S4/5 Course Choice. Fifth Year Students take 5 subjects Each subject has 5 periods per week Students have 1 period PSE Students have 1 period PE 1 period.

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1 S4/5 Course Choice

2 Fifth Year Students take 5 subjects Each subject has 5 periods per week Students have 1 period PSE Students have 1 period PE 1 period of an activity from; Mandarin, PE, HE, Study are examples

3 Levels of Course Higher National 4 / 5 NPA

4 Sixth Year Students usually take 3 or 4 subjects Each subject has 5 periods per week Students have 1 period PSE The rest of their time is for study or whole school activites

5 Levels of Course Advanced Higher or A Level Higher National 5 NPA

6 Unit Tests Students must pass all the unit tests and the final exam to get an overall award. Unit test are sometimes called NARs There are usually 3 but some subjects have more

7 Unit Tests Students are only allowed 1 resit if they have failed a unit test It is important that all students revise thoroughly for these tests

8 Grades Grade A approximately over 70% Grade B approximately over 60% Grade C approximately over 50% Grade D approximately over 45% No Award under 45 %

9 Required Grades Advanced Higher Higher A or B For Higher National 5 Pass For National 5 National 4

10 Crash Highers In sixth year students are able to take a new subject at Higher level provided they have already shown sucess at this level.

11 Routes Employment or Apprentice Scheme College University Gap year

12 Further Education Some students prefer to go to college and follow the NC, HNC, HND route. Passing a HND can lead to entry to second year in some courses at University

13 Scottish University entrance AAAAA needed for medicine, vet or Oxbridge AAAB required for more popular courses / universities ABBB is the general requirement BBB may allow some students entry to some courses from 1 sitting Although this is not always the case!

14 Results / Class Sizes We do some recoursing in August once the results are known If there are spaces in a class, students will be allowed to move. We may not be able to run classes for small numbers.

15 Dates The Straw poll will be issued on 7 Dec. The course choice sheet will be handed out during the week beginning Monday 8 February in PSE. Course sheets to be handed in during coursing interview with SfP on week beginning 29 February.

16 Advice Support for Pupils will be helping students in PSE with course choice Please contact them if you wish to discuss anything further. They can be contacted through the school website –

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