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What am I learning today? Responses to inequalities in housing by the government and other organisations.

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Presentation on theme: "What am I learning today? Responses to inequalities in housing by the government and other organisations."— Presentation transcript:

1 What am I learning today? Responses to inequalities in housing by the government and other organisations

2 Using these pictures, think of one word to describe life in a favela.

3 Despite the variety of problems that exist in the favelas, many have developed into thriving communities

4 Special Zones of Social Interest In some places the government has supported the development of housing schemes to replace the shacks with simple but better housing. The roads have been paved and water and sewage systems have been developed. Slow process and limited experiments- impossible task to solve the housing problems in the favelas. Jardim Uchoa in Recife is one of the better favelas.

5 Favela Barrio Sometimes, men and women and children take an active role in improving conditions. In Rio, a project called ‘Favela Barrio’ was introduced and was funded by an American Bank and aimed to transform 800 shanty towns into legitimate neighbourhoods that were fully integrated and no longer socially excluded.

6 The project included: Paving roads Digging drainage ditches Project emphasised community participation whereby local residents took part in rebuilding their own lives Many were unemployed and socially and economically excluded- doing something useful

7 Creation of the Ministry of Cities Set up by the government in 2003 in response to the growing housing problems. Address the inequalities that exist. Construction projects to resolve the housing shortage problem. $502 million loan from the World Bank for building low cost homes. 400,000 people who live in 119 shanty towns have benefited.

8 PAR programme Residential lease programme. Another example of how the government in trying to reduce housing inequalities. Residential lease plan for families that have low incomes and do not own their homes. The plan purchases home that are under construction or in need of refurbishment. Family pays rent and at the end of 15 years family owns the property.

9 Tour Rocinha ‘Tour Spot’ The locals have created a Rocinha Tourism Workshop Local children are tour guides and are given training in English and Geography and practical skills needed to work as a guide. Visitors are introduced to shopkeepers and encouraged to buy local goods produced by the people living in the favela.

10 ACTIVITY Complete the activity of p.49 of the work book Describe, in detail, two ways in which the living conditions of people in the favelas of Brazil have improved in recent years. (8) Timed answer (16 mins)

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