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Grammar: The Sentence.

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1 Grammar: The Sentence

2 Why is this important?


4 Find the sentence. Throughout people’s ears grow entire their lives.
Grow throughout people’s entire ears lives their. Entire throughout lives ears grow people’s their. People’s ears grow throughout their entire lives. Definition Sentence- a group of words that express a complete thought.

5 To be a sentence, a group of words must…
Have a subject (noun or pronoun) Have a predicate (verb or verb phrase) Express a complete thought

6 Vocabulary Examples 1. The teacher abjured her punishments after finding out the truth. 2. Socks and shoes are an anomaly to your average beach wear. 3.The man laid in the hammock with perfect equanimity.

7 What about clauses? Definition:
Clause- group of words with its own subject and verb An independent clause is a complete sentence; it can stand alone. A dependent clause is part of a sentence; it cannot stand alone.

8 Dependent Clauses Add additional information to the main clause
Are not necessary to form a complete thought Examples: Condition: unless, provided that, if, even, if Reason: because, as, as if Choice: rather than, than, whether Contrast: thought, although, even though, but Location: where, wherever Result, Effect: in order that, so, so that, that Time: while, once, when, since, whenever, after, before until as soon as

9 Beyonce knows what’s up.
Example: If you liked it, you should have put a ring on it.

10 Types of Sentences Simple Sentences Compound Sentences
Complex Sentences Compound-Complex Sentences

11 Simple Sentences Has one independent clause

12 Compound Sentences Consists of two or more independent clauses
Clauses can be joined with a coordinating conjunction: and, or, nor, for, yet, so, but, OR a semicolon ;


14 Complex Sentences Contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause While his mother wasn’t looking, Billy climbed into the toilet.

15 Main Clause: Billy climbed into the toilet.

16 Compound-Complex Sentences
Has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Example: When the heat comes, the lakes dry up, and farmers know the crops will fail.

17 I planned to drive to work, but I couldn’t until the
mechanic repaired my car.

18 Today’s Exit Slip Choose two of the sentence structures learned today and write an example sentence. Review: Types of Sentences Simple Compound Complex Compound-Complex

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