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What does it mean to be alive?

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Presentation on theme: "What does it mean to be alive?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does it mean to be alive?
Chapter 1 The Big Picture! What does it mean to be alive?

2 Living things are organized
Example: Atoms Molecules Organelles Cells Tissues Organs Organ systems Organisms Populations Communities Ecosystems Biomes Biosphere

3 Eukaryotic Cell Structure

4 It takes energy to maintain this
Organization (Homeostasis)

5 To obtain this energy, organisms
perform what is known as Metabolism: the building up and breaking down of materials in an organism Part of this metabolism is Respiration And it all starts with Photosynthesis

6 Characteristics of Life:

7 1. Order Living things are highly organized in structure and function. Analyzing a biological structure gives us clues about what it does and how it works Structure and Function are related at all levels (organelle, cell, tissue etc.)

8 2. Reproduction Organisms reproduce their own kind. Life on Earth uses the nucleic acid and code for Heritable Information.

9 3. Growth & Development Organisms increase in size and complexity. Growth - increase in size. Development - increase in complexity. Life - grows by internal changes.

10 4. Energy Processing Organisms take in energy and transform it to do work. Organisms are “open” systems, they must continually take in energy.

11 5. Response To Environment
Organisms respond to changes or stimuli in their environment. The speed of the response may be “fast” or “slow”.

12 6. Homeostasis (Regulation)
Organisms maintain their internal environment within tolerable limits. “homeo” = same “stasis” = state

13 7. Evolutionary Adaptation
Organisms change over time as they adapt to their environment. Organisms must adapt, move, or die!

14 Others 8. The Cell Is the “basic unit” of Life. 9. Organisms Die.

15 Humans attempt to understand the
world around us. In order to do this, we always approach our studies in the same way (the scientific method), and organize our results (taxonomy, classification)

16 3 domains 6 kingdoms



19 Word roots bio- :life (biology- study of life) eu- :true (eukaryotic cell- has a true nucleus) -ell :small (organelle- small, formed body with a particular function found in cells) pro- :before karyo- : nucleus (prokaryotic cell- has no nucleus)

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