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Mission 4 Independence. What do the following images have in common?

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Presentation on theme: "Mission 4 Independence. What do the following images have in common?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission 4 Independence

2 What do the following images have in common?

3 You say you want a revolution? What is a revolution? What causes a revolution? a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.

4 Customs Duty A tax on imports and exports

5 Inflation The loss of the value of money

6 Nonimportation Agreement A pledge by merchants not to buy imported goods from a particular source

7 Writ of Assistance A search warrant enabling customs officers to enter any location to look for evidence of smuggling

8 Committee of Correspondence Committee organized in each colony to communicate with and unify the colonies

9 minutemen Companies of civilian soldiers who boasted they were ready to fight on a minute’s notice

10 Loyalist American colonists who supported Britain and opposed the War for Independence

11 Patriot American colonist who supported the War for Independence

12 Guerilla Warfare A hit-and-run technique used in fighting a war; used by the colonists.

13 Letters of Marque Licenses issued by Congress to private ship owners authorizing them to attack British merchant ships

14 Republic Form of government in which power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote

15 Emancipation The act or process of freeing enslaved persons

16 Manumission The voluntary freeing of enslaved persons

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