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Department of "Accounting and Auditing" Department address: av. al-Farabi, 71, Building MEC-3 2nd floor, 229 room Phone: 8(727) 377-33-33, internal: 14-03.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of "Accounting and Auditing" Department address: av. al-Farabi, 71, Building MEC-3 2nd floor, 229 room Phone: 8(727) 377-33-33, internal: 14-03."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of "Accounting and Auditing" Department address: av. al-Farabi, 71, Building MEC-3 2nd floor, 229 room Phone: 8(727) 377-33-33, internal: 14-03

2 Department of "Accounting and Auditing" was established in April 27, 2004. Until that time, experts in accounting at the faculty worked in the department "Marketing and general subjects", but since May 2001 the department "Finance and audit". Head of the Department in different years Ph.D., associate professor Erkin Tulegenov Tulegenovich 2008 Ph.D., associate professor Shayakhmetova Kulshariya Orakpaevna 2008-2009 PhD Tovma N.A. 2009-2010 Ph.D., associate professor Sultanovа B.B. 2010-2014 PhD, Professor Baydildina Adilya Manatovna 2014-present

3 Руководство кафедры Head of the Department "Accounting and Auditing" Doctor of Economics, Professor Baydildina Adil Manatovna Phone: 8 (727) 377-33-37 ext. 1403; E-mail: Deputy Head of the Department for educational, methodical and educational work Nurgaliyeva Gulnar Kazybekovna Phone: 8 (727) 377-33-37 ext. 1403; E-mail: Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific Innovation and International Relations Doctor (PhD), Associate Professor Tovma Natalia Aleksandrovna Phone: 8 (727) 377-33-37 ext. 1403;

4 Specialty code Specialization Training period BSc: 5B050800 –Accounting and Auditing "Accounting and Auditing" 4 year BSc: 5B050800 –Accounting and Auditing (после колледжа) "Accounting and Auditing" 3 year Master: 6М050800 –Accounting and Auditing "Accounting and Auditing", scientific and pedagogical direction 2 year "Accounting and Auditing", profile direction 1 year Doctorate: 6D050800 –Accounting and Auditing "Accounting and Auditing" 3 year The department is graduating with a degree in "Accounting and Auditing"-Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral

5 Graduates of the Department "Accounting and audit", in accordance with the obtained education, can occupy the following positions: chief accountant, Deputy chief accountant, senior accountant, expert-auditor head of internal audit service, head of audit firm, auditor. judicial-accounting expert, financial director, financial analyst a tax inspector tax consultant head of financial services. teacher or researcher in the field of accounting, audit and analysis.

6 The Department trains "Accounting and audit" trains specialists for the work of accountants, auditors and financial analysts: in large audit companies, large foreign companies, the administration of the President, in the Ministry of economy and budget planning, in the Ministry of Finance, Agency for statistics of RK, in the national Bank, in commercial banks, the oil companies, the tax Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan; state and local management; scientific-research organizations, at the enterprises in the sectors of market infrastructure (insurance companies, pension funds), in the organizations of the real sector of the economy (construction, textile, food and heavy industry).

7 Staff of the department "Accounting and Auditing"

8 At the Department there is Center of the certified accountants program CIPA (International qualification, an independent professional assessment of the accounting and auditing). Seminars are run by a member of the Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan independent auditor, the director of the audit company - Altayev B.Sh,, Ph.D., Associate Professor, holder of the state grant, the best teacher of the university in 2007, International Internal Auditor Cultanova B. B., Certified Accounting Practitioner, Senior teachers Arystambaeva A.Z., Oralbaeva Zh.Z. CAP educational program includes the following subjects: Financial Accounting 1 Management Accounting 1 Taxes Law

9 Chair's Life Students are actively engaged in research activities sports festival During the protection of the student project "Attention, tuberculosis!"

10 Within the framework of the project "100 books" event May 1 Contest on "Accounting"charitable activities

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