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Presentation OLOMOLA,Afolabi(101-80024). Update Changes in CSV/SVN.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation OLOMOLA,Afolabi(101-80024). Update Changes in CSV/SVN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation OLOMOLA,Afolabi(101-80024)

2 Update Changes in CSV/SVN

3 Introduction Concurrent Versions System is a revision control system that allows multiple developers to collaborate on software projects, while providing much help in keeping the projects in a consistent state although they may be manipulated by any number of developers at any given time allows a developer or developers to maintain version history of a software project and track changes made to the project over time allows developers to maintain several concurrent versions of a project, while providing help in moving changes among those versions, and preserving consistency of individual versions

4 Types of Changes Modifying of source code in the working file Adding of file to the repository Removing of file in the repository Edit a source code Rename a file

5 Why updating changes There is need to work with current version of file in repository before committing to avoid conflicts To make working files reflect what's currently in the repository

6 Commands To update your copy of a module with any changes from the central repository execute: $ cvs update [filename] $ cvs -q update -dP -q flag means that it goes into quiet mode (as opposed to verbose) T -d flag tells it to grab new directories, -P means "prune", or delete things that have been cvs removed

7 Update flags Depending on the state of your code and the central repository, various things can happen. For each file that is not in sync with the master repository, a flag is thrown, and an action can be done to that file, or not touched. (no flag) - file is up to date M - locally modified A - locally added U - entire file has been updated P - local file has been patched with changes C - your version conflicts with changes that you haven't grabbed yet in the central repository ? - file has not been added to module R - marked for removal, but not yet committed

8 Update Sample % cd /web/greentravel-dev % cvs update cvs update: Updating. cvs update: Updating acs cvs update: Updating parameters M parameters/greentravel.ini M tcl/ad-admin.tcl M tcl/ad-user-groups.tcl ? tcl/maratrain-reminder.tcl ? tcl/maratrain-utils.tcl ? tcl/coach-defs.tcl cvs update: Updating templates

9 Thank You

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