Yan Qiao and Naiqi Wu Guangdong University of Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, China China Mengchu Zhou New Jersey Institute of Technology,

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Presentation on theme: "Yan Qiao and Naiqi Wu Guangdong University of Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, China China Mengchu Zhou New Jersey Institute of Technology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yan Qiao and Naiqi Wu Guangdong University of Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, China China Mengchu Zhou New Jersey Institute of Technology, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA USA

2 Semiconductor Manufacturing  Cluster Tools  Better utilization of Space  Higher yield  Better quality TM PMs Cassette module Transport module Processing modules

3  Configuration –A dual arm robot –Process modules (PM) –Loadlocks (LL) –No intermediate buffer  Operated by Swap Strategy

4  Single wafer type  3 steps (operations)  Operations 2 and 3 form a revisiting process: typical atomic layer deposition process  Situations considered: revisiting k = 2 times Consider Wafer Revisiting

5  Processes with revisiting –Work by Lee et al. (Korea)  It is for single-arm cluster tools and not applicable for dual-arm ones  It involves complex computation –Work by Wu et al. (China)  The process never reaches steady-state  Two methods to operate the system  It is not optimal for some cases –Work by Qiao et al. (China)  Cycle time analysis for dual-arm cluster tools with k-time revisiting, k > 2  It is not optimal for some cases

6  A generic Petri net model  Properties of cluster tools scheduled by 3-wafer schedule –It is not optimal for some cases  A novel scheduling method –It is optimal

7  Places and Transitions p L : loadlocks with K(p 0 )=  and M 0 (p 0 )=n p i : wafer processing at step i with K(p i )= 1 t ij : robot moving from Step i to Step j q ij : model a robot arm waiting at Step i c p : a control place  Initial state M 0 (p i ) = K(p i ) and M 0 (q ij ) = 0, i  N 3, j  N 3  control function

8 Transition or place Time duration t L1  +  t 12, t 23, t 32  t 3L  +  pipi aiai t i0 and t i0 qi1qi1 i1i1 qi2qi2 i2i2 qi3qi3 i3i3

9  Wu et al – When k = 2 – System starts from the idle state – Three local cycles with PM 2 and PM 3 – Three global cycles with PM 1, PM 2 and PM 3 – Three wafers are completed – 3-Wafer Schedule – It is not optimal for some cases 3-Wafer Schedule

10 Example: A 2 =120, A 3 =125, =21,  = 2, starting from the idle state The robot waiting times are changing with a number of cycles to reaching its steady state Finally, the robot waits at Step i with A i being the largest one and it does not wait at other steps If the robot does not wait at Step i, the wafer sojourn time  i > A i, or a wafer processing delay occur CycleWaiting time before swapping at p 2 Waiting time before swapping at p 3 1745 25510 35015 44520 54025 ……… 12560 13065 14065

11  The state of the system: M = {  1,  2,  3,  4 }   i, i  N 3, represents the wafers in PM i,   4 represents the wafers held by robot.  W d (q) represents the d-th wafer is being processed or to be processed for q-th operation in p i.

12  Consider 2 times revisits  The marking evolution of the PN: M 1 = {W 4 (1), W 3 (2), W 2 (3), W 1 (5)}  M 2 = {W 4 (1), W 2 (4), W 1 (5), W 3 (3)}  M 3 = {W 5 (1), W 4 (2), W 3 (3), W 2 (5)} M 1 to M 2 : Firing sequence is {swapping at p 3  t 32  swapping at p 2  t 23 } M 2 to M 3 : Firing sequence is{swapping at p 3  t 3L  t L1  swapping at p 1  t 12  swapping at p 2  t 23 }

13  One local cycles with PM 2 and PM 3  One global cycles with PM 1, PM 2 and PM 3  One wafers are completed  1-Wafer Schedule  It is optimal 1-Wafer Schedule

14  Contribution  A Petri net model for the ALD process  A novel scheduling method  It is optimal.  Future work  Consider wafer residency time constraint  Subject to bounded activity time variation

15 Thank you for attention!

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