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The Barnhoorns Serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Nigeria.

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1 The Barnhoorns Serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Nigeria

2 JonathanJanice Samuel Stephen Silas Esther

3 Mission Statement: "To empower indigenous people worldwide for spiritual, personal and social growth through Bible translation and other language-related ministries." Wycliffe Bible Translators

4 "Nothing has the power to change lives like God's Word. It is the key to evangelism. It is indispensable to church planting. It is the basis of discipleship. It is the foundation of an established church. It is a giver of life, hope and peace in the midst of trials. It is eternal in its impact. It is the message of God's love. " - National translation volunteer Quotes worth Communicating

5 Nigeria The most populous African country with 140 million people Over 500 different languages 400 still need the Bible 45% Muslim, 45% Christian, 10% animist Nigeria

6 Abuja Jos Koro cluster The Koro Cluster A group of 4 related languages in Nigeria’s “middle belt” They represent about 200,000 people Although they are related, the speakers do not understand the other languages. They recently began translation projects in each of their languages.

7 Nyenkpa While in Nigeria our time was spent mainly with the Nyenkpa. It was Jonathan’s job to train and encourage the translators. The translation team consists of two members: Alaska and Sunday. Alaska (pictured with his wife) is married with a family. His main occupation is subsistence farming though he works part time on translation. Sunday is a seminary student. He hopes to finish his studies by the end of 2011. He is currently working on his thesis for the completion of his degree.

8 Ashe In addition to our work with the Nyenkpa, we also helped the Ashe as they began their translation project. The Ashe have only one translator so far, Peter Dogo. He and his wife moved back to the language area to work on the translation. Peter is working full time for the project and in his spare time also works on his farm. Peter’s wife, Esther, helps Peter where she can and we expect a pastor to begin helping out this month.

9 Duya The Duya project is also part of our work. They have shown the most initiative on their own. Wayo Bai has been the force behind most of the activities. A retired military man, he is the main translator and has dedicated himself to the work. Christopher Lukas is a local school teacher. On the weekends he goes to different villages teaching the alphabet to the people.

10 Praise the Lord for…  His faithful provision for all our needs through faithful supporters  A wonderful place to stay in while we are in Ontario  That all of our paperwork has come through  Good health during our past term in Nigeria  Our Nigerian co-workers who are stepping up to do the work of translation and literacy

11 Please pray for… † The communities of the Koro cluster as they struggle to see their role in the project † Our family - that we will be good parents and that our children will grow up with a love for God † That we would continue to have a passion for the people of Nigeria † The people of Jos (and Nigeria in general) during this turbulent time

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