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Basic concepts of Aristotelian philosophy

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1 Basic concepts of Aristotelian philosophy
Theoretical Philosophy Practical Philosophy Physis (nature), zoe (life) Psyche (soul), nous (mind, reason) Taxis (order), kosmos (world-order) Cause or reason (aitia) To on (being), ousia (substance), genesis (becoming) Potency (dynamis) and act (energeia) Anthropos (man) Empeiria (experience) Techne (art) Theoria (contemplation) and praxis (action) Polis (city-state) Arete (virtue) and Eudaimonia (well being, happiness, flourishing) Logos (speech/reason)

2 Logos a given language OR speech OR reason
that through which experience is known by human beings frames all things, but it is possible for human beings to become aware of that conceptual framework, its norms (logic) and its limitations “Men think there are many logoi, but in reality (physis) there is only one.” –Heraclitus “In the beginning was the Logos.” - John

3 Nature and Life Nature/physis = Nature = Life/zoe = Life =
1st concept of Greek philosophy Known by science (episteme) Nature = One material totality Repetitive patterns of being/destruction Operates in and of itself, toward ends Life/zoe = self-moving self-replicating reality Life = Basic form of Nature Goal-directed: teleology of form and function Individuals and natural kinds; all part of the Whole

4 Nature Nature (physis) presents itself as emergent reality, one material world in which human persons are embedded, one mysterious whole – but one which, in Aristotle’s view, is basically ordered toward goals or end states (teloi).

5 Teleological Nature Telos = goal or end state.
teleological structure = designed so as to achieve goals (e.g. roots, leaves, seeds) teleological behavior = functional, i.e. occurs in order to bring about certain ends (e.g. absorb water, etc.)

6 Soul and Mind Soul/psyche= principle of self-movement and consciousness Body and Soul = Separate entities (Platonic dualism) Different aspects of zoon, living being (Aristotelian functionalism) Soul = offshoot of, dependent on body (scientific materialism) Mind/nous = principle of intellectual life and of knowledge Mind or Reason = operates on sense-experience (aesthesis) structured by essential concepts, rules substance vs. property principle of non-contradiction directed toward its own end = truth

7 Order and World Order/taxis = mathematical structure
Basic pattern of rationality Mathematical, e.g. numerical or geometrical basis Inherent in some physical things, e.g. musical harmony World/kosmos = orderly structure of the universe Rational order, knowable by man Wholistic structure of beauty and value (kosmos) Evidence of harmony and of Divine Mind

8 Cosmos The “fixed stars” rotate around the geocenter, where elemental earth gathered, then water, air and fire. Sun, moon and planets circle in other orbits. Earth and Man are in the center, God at the outer limit, moving it all…

9 Cause (aitia) = why something is as it is
Material cause = material basis for something e.g. why did the knife break? ans. The metal was brittle Agent or efficient cause = entity which brings something about, e.g. builder of boat, cue ball of other ball’s motion Formal cause = structural explanation of something e.g. why did that animal chase the cat? ans. It is a dog; that is what dogs do. Final cause = explanatory purpose or goal , e.g. why did the Athenians attack Melos? ans. To secure a harbor midway to Sparta.

10 Being, Substance, Properties and Becoming
Being = ‘what is’ but also and especially ‘what is enduring/permanent’ Substance= core notion of ‘being’ Substance qua entity (Categories) Substance qua ‘soul’ (Metaphysics) Properties = predicated esp. of substances Essential = define X as being of that kind (e.g. rationality of man) Accidental or incidental = can lose without changing identity (e.g. color of man’s hair) Becoming = phenomena of change, transformation, including coming-into existence and going-out-of existence Aristotle: There an “essential structure” of being.

11 Potency and Act Potency (dynamis) = natural possibility, “power” or “potentiality” that something has, esp. by virtue of its nature Act (energeia) = natural actualization or activity that something has, esp. by virtue of its nature. When something does what fulfills its nature, it exhibits “en-tel-echeia,” fulfillment or being-in-its-perfected-state. In this sense, “developmental becoming” is actually a form of “being.”

12 Concepts of Human-Being
Man (anthropos) = human = rational animal, center of kosmos Theory (theoria) and Action (praxis) = two basic modes of human life, realms of knowledge and freedom Experience (empeiria) and Art (techne) = human creativeness, source of enduring human world, division between man and nature Household (oikos) = locus of human family City-State (polis) = center of human world, law and public action Virtue (arete) and Happiness (eudaimonia) = principles of Greek ethics Logos (language, reason) = form of human mind, experience, communication


14 Man “Man is the measure of all things, both of the things that are and how they are, and of the things that are not and how they are not.” –Protagoras “Man is the rational political animal (zoon politikos echein logon).” --Aristotle

15 Logos = language OR speech OR reason
= that through which experience is known by human beings = common medium of human life, Pol. I = scientific (apophantic), rhetorical (persuasive) or poetic Logos frames all things, but it is possible for human beings to become aware of that conceptual framework, and its limitations

16 Experience (empeiria) and Art (techne)
Stabilizes perceptual memories in a single form = knows individuals, not universals Can = basis for prediction. action Lacks techne-knowledge of ‘universal pattern’ or ‘nature’ of things involved why X causes blood to congeal in Z type bodies why there is a lunar eclipse this date every 10 years Creates enduring world of human artifacts, including Temples, warships, homes, monuments Works of art music poetry Laws and government Implies a good to be achieved, and knowledge of how to achieve it Divides nature into human vs. non-human Q: Is there an ‘art’ of living? Or is living wisely a something beyond ‘craft’ and ‘technique’?


18 Polis Polis = civilized community, center of government including military life Greek city-state = stage of political life, place to win enduring “name/identity” Linked to democracy, demos (the People), as well as law Contrast to oikos, private world of family Praises the “life of action,” citizen rather than the “life of the mind,” philosopher


20 Arete and Eudaimonia Virtue/excellence (arete) = key ethical values
Courage, resilience (andreia) Self-restraint/moderation (sophrosyne) Justice/uprightness (dikaiosyne) Wisdom/prudence (phronesis) Well-being/lasting happiness (eudaimonia) = ‘activity-goal’ of human life (what everyone seeks to have and be) Q: Is happiness found in having, doing or being? In family or fame, wealth or knowledge?

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