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Cone of Safety around a Crane Hook

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Presentation on theme: "Cone of Safety around a Crane Hook"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cone of Safety around a Crane Hook
Sam Presented by Team 5 Xue Cheng Samuel Falabi Charlie Nguyen Richard Szink Lanea Williamson

2 The Team Project Management Richard Szink Documents Preparer
Samuel Falabi Charlie Nguyen Xue Cheng Lanea Williamson Project Management Proximity Sensors Overall design and Hardware Implementation Documents Preparer Power supply Alarm system Web Designer Safety cone design Software implementation Presentation Sensor Research Data Logging Lab Cost estimating and Purchasing Everyone says name

3 Faculty Dr. Hayder Radha Professor and Associate Chair for Research
Study in coding and communications; image and video compression; image processing; multimedia communications over packet networks; video coding and communications over the Internet and wireless networks; modeling and analysis of the stochastic behavior of communication networks; wavelet, subband, and multiresolution coding

4 Sponsor ArcelorMittal USA -World’s leading steel and mining company
James Lang -Coordinator, Finish and Coating

5 Background and Objectives

6 ArcelorMittal Company Background
World’s leading steel and mining company Annual production capacity of 115 million tons and operating in 60 countries Produce safe and sustainable steel Provide conductive and a safe work environment for its employees

7 Safety Issues Suspended steel coil loads hang from the overhead cranes and are potential safety risks to the operators. Over fifty accidents have caused deaths in the past 15 years in the northwest Indiana Steel Industry.

8 Our Mission The system will be able to detect any operator within a certain distance from a working crane. The system will be turned on when the load is within 8ft above ground. The system will sound an alarm and warn the operator when the operator is in the danger zone. Data will be recorded so ArcelorMittal can constantly improve their safety measures and prevent future occurrences. Sam

9 Exploring a Solution Matt

10 Design Schematic diagram

11 How do we build this? Sensors Alarm Data Recording
Processing all the information Protective Casing

12 Research Techniques What are the industry standards?
Opportunity to advance field? Has a similar project been completed before? What was the outcome? What type of sensors would fulfill our needs? What are our design constraints? How can we overcome them?

13 Ranking of Conceptual Designs

14 Programming Flowchart
Detect load distance Detect humans If a human is detected: Turn on an alarm Record data

15 Microcontroller Arduino Cheap Popular Lots of Documentation
Libraries with easy functions

16 Final Design Charlie

17 Overall Design

18 Adjusting size of Safety Cone
When the load gets closer to ground, we need to adjust the angle of sensor to shrink the safety cone

19 Detect Distance of the Load
Mount sensor on the trolley of crane to sense distance from load to ground HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Takes advantage of the piezoelectric effect to send waves and record the time it takes that same wave to return. 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅=𝑺𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕−𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅

20 However… Proximity Sensors can neither differentiate human body from the load

21 D6T Thermal Sensor Uses infrared technology to sense its surrounding and create a 4x4 matrix of surrounding temperatures. The 4x4 matrix can be manipulated to successfully create a cone shape.

22 Selecting Thermal Angle
With thermal imaging sensor, we can select the range we need to measure. Therefore, we can adjust the safety cone with the height of the load. Charlie

23 Alarm System Circuit takes advantage of a transistor, high-wattage resistors, and a voltage input from both the power supply and the Arduino board. Properly output the 80+ db sound Caitlyn

24 Data Logging SD card shield combines a SD card slot with a 3.3V – 5V level shifter and a 3.3V voltage regulator. This enables direct hookup to the Arduino’s SPI pins.

25 Protective Casing Designed with NX 3D printed Material

26 Testing and Proof of Design

27 Testing A scaled version of an overhead crane was created using PVC pipe, wood, a pulley system, and a simulated load.

28 Caitlyn

29 Testing of Thermal Sensor

30 Data Logging

31 Budget Table 2: Estimated Cost per Unit
Table 1: Actual Cost of Prototype

32 Final Cost According the Pi-Chart based on cost per unit, main cost for this project is D6T Thermal Sensor and Arduino Mega ADK board Cost of design would be greatly reduced when putting in mass- production

33 Suggestions for Future Work
Panasonic Thermal Sensor – Product Liability Improvement in System Housing – Product Safety Power Supply - Standards

34 Summary Safety is top priority at ArcelorMittal
Using effective design techniques leads to best results Opportunity for industry to use new methods to enhance safety First recognizable project of its kind


36 Thank you! Lanea

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