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Life and Death Issues. Christian understanding of human existence – all life is a gift from God – life on this earth is of a limited duration.

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Presentation on theme: "Life and Death Issues. Christian understanding of human existence – all life is a gift from God – life on this earth is of a limited duration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life and Death Issues

2 Christian understanding of human existence – all life is a gift from God – life on this earth is of a limited duration

3 Important distinctions – euthanasia has been popularly defined as “mercy killing” – its literal meaning is “good death” – allowing someone to die – assisted suicide

4 Fundamental Issue Do human beings have the moral obligation to struggle against death by every means possible, both for themselves and for other people, until the inevitable moment arrives?

5 (cont’d) Or do human beings have the moral right to exercise some choice as to the time and manner of death?

6 Beginning of Life When do human rights begin? o conception: DNA is formed here o implantation: no further possibility of twinning; individualization o development of brain waves: biological substratum for personhood (6-8 weeks)

7 (cont’d) o viability: supreme court judgment—3 rd trimester. Human life begins at 7 th month [ruled in 1972] o birth: separation from mother Potentiality (of becoming a human being) vs. Reality/Actuality: does such “potentiality” have rights?

8 End of Life  Hydration & Nutrition. Coma. Euthanasia, assisted suicide.  Definitions of Death: o cessation of breath (it’s in the Bible; e.g. David) o cessation of heartbeat (invention of sthetoscope) o cessation of brainwaves (most states follow this; legally dead)

9 (cont’d) Basic care vs. Therapy: o basic care: person is conscious and nutrition is administered/included o therapy: intention is to make person better 10,000 people on feeding tube in the US paid for by government [2006]

10 Theological Considerations Ω First Consideration + Biblical teachings + – “You shall not kill” (Exodus 20: 13) – Jesus’ interpretation: one’s attitude toward other persons (Matthew 5: 21-22)

11 – Prohibition from sixth commandment but not from Hebrew law: Exodus 21: 12-19 Deuteronomy 21: 18-21 1 Samuel: 31: 4-6 John 15: 13

12 Second Consideration + Christian Understanding of Personhood + 1- Persons are creatures made in the image of God 2- Persons are both body & spirit 3- Persons are self-conscious

13 (cont’d) 4- Persons are rational beings 5- Persons make decisions on moral issues 6- Persons relate to other persons

14 Third Consideration + Christian Understanding of nature of death + – Is death always bad? People in biblical days were no less anxious than we are Ω Life after Death: * Life begins & ends with God

15 * There is the growing hope in the biblical tradition among the faithful that they will be with God beyond death. * Affirmations of hope for life after death are grounded in faith, in the experience of the individual & of the faith community

16 * The focus on continued personal existence is sometimes expressed with individual emphasis, sometimes with collective emphasis

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