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Interactions How organisms affect one another and their environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactions How organisms affect one another and their environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactions How organisms affect one another and their environment

2 Different Species Interactions Competition Predation Symbiosis

3 Predation This is when a predator organism feeds on another living organism known as prey.

4 Different Species Competition Competition is when two or more different species are competing for the same resources in the same area.

5 Symbiosis This is a relationship between two species where at least one of the two species is benefitting from the relationship. There are three main types of symbiosis: Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism

6 Mutualism This is a symbiotic relationship where both species benefit from the other. Oxpecker and Warthog

7 Commensalism One species needs a function provided by the other; The other is neither harmed nor helped Remora and Shark

8 Parasitism One species benefits at the expense of another species. The host is directly harmed by the presence of the parasite. =OuHGdv4ZLjA =OuHGdv4ZLjA

9 Same Species Interactions Includes individual behaviors vs. group behaviors Cooperative Competition

10 Same Species Competition Organisms in the same species are competing for resources; therefore, they must find enough space to survive (food) Must be able to maintain their territory

11 Individual Competition Most animals have courtship rituals that they undergo to attract mates. The females can be selective and so they mate, thus passing on, the genes of the most successful of the suitors

12 Cooperative Behaviors Many animals will live in packs or herds These groupings allow them to protect more territory from invaders, hunt more efficiently, or protect themselves from predators

13 Individual vs. Group Individual BehaviorsGroup Behaviors

14 Carrying Capacity Ecosystems can only support so many individuals and if this amount is exceeded then the resources will be depleted

15 Snowshoe Hare and Lynx

16 Hare-Lynx competition How are they undergoing competition? Where is their carrying capacity? How do they limit each other?

17 Do Humans Have a Carrying Capacity?

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