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Flare-Associated Oscillations Observed with NoRH Ayumi Asai (NSRO) Nobeyama Symposium 2004 : 2004/10/26.

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Presentation on theme: "Flare-Associated Oscillations Observed with NoRH Ayumi Asai (NSRO) Nobeyama Symposium 2004 : 2004/10/26."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flare-Associated Oscillations Observed with NoRH Ayumi Asai (NSRO) Nobeyama Symposium 2004 : 2004/10/26

2 Flare-Associated Oscillations 1980-06-07 flare –Nakajima et al. 1983 –Kiplinger et al. 1983 –Kane et al. 1983 Both  -wave and HXR show quisi-periodic oscillation (QPP) oscillation period : ~8sec typical time scale : ~Alfven transit time microwave 17GHz X-rays Quasi-Periodic Pulsation (QPP)

3 What are These? QPP nonthermal emission (in microwave and HXR)  efficiency of particle acceleration is modulated periodically QPP period : ~ Alfven transit time scale  physical parameters should be determined from observation!  Which mode determines the periodicity? –Loop oscillation (sausage, kink, …) Particle acceleration process?

4 1998 November 10 Flare 1998-11-10 Flare (C7.9) @NOAA8375 Multi-wavelength observation : –NoRH, NoRP, SXT, HXT, MDI NOAA 8375 QPP! Asai et al. 2001/Grechnev et al. 2002

5 QPP in Microwave (only) source A shows QPP Oscillation period ~ 6.6 sec source A source B source A source B total NoRH 17GHz

6 Geometrical Properties Loop-loop interaction Flare site = source B Flare Loop source A source B negative image A B

7 QPP in Microwave and HXR HXR light curves also show QPP  -wave peak slightly delay from HXR peak (~0.6s) ~ traveling time of nonthermal electrons –Length of faint loop : 50,000 km –velocity of nonthermal particle ~100,000 km/s  traveling time : 50,000 / 100,000 = 0.5 s

8 Physical Values SXT temperature analysis (source B) –T : 9.4 MK –n : 4.5×10 10 cm -3 MDI + potential field approx. –B : 300 G negative image A B Flare Loop source A source B

9 Physical Parameters (1) flare loop / flare kernel ~ length : 16,000 km ~ width : 6,000 km temperature : 9.4MK density : 4.5×10 10 cm -3 magnetic field : 300 G sound velocity : 360 km/s Alfven velocity : 3,100 km/s (1) (2) c.f. (2) faint loop : ~50,000 km

10 Physical Parameters (1) flare loop / flare kernel ~ length : 16,000 km ~ width : 6,000 km sound velocity : 360 km/s Alfven velocity : 3,100 km/s Alfven transit time: –Along the loop : 5.1 s –Across the loop : 1.9 s Acoustic transit time : –Along the loop : 44 s –Across the loop : 17 s (1) (2)  observed period ~ 6.6 s Alfven transit time along the loop (5.1 s) is the most similar

11 Statistical Study Kamio et al. 2004 Period ~ Alfven transit time scale along the loop Datevelocity (km/s) Alfven transit time (s) Sound transit time (s) Obs. P (sec) VAVA VSVS LWLW 1998-11-1031003605244176 1997-12-01120043010-23-5 2001-04-24250041080.8494.95 2001-09-101600410131.949716

12 2000-01-12 Event image : 17 GHz orange cont. : 34GHz brown cont. : HXT M2 Foot 1 Foot 2 Loop top Radio flux variation Fourier power spectra 14 – 17 s Melnikov, et al. 2002 loop length : 25,000 km

13 Which Mode Determines QPP? Period of QPP ~ Alfven transit time scale  MHD fast mode –kink mode –sausage mode

14 Kink Mode Oscillation TRACE - Aschwanden et al. 1999 - Nakariakov et al. 1999 P ~ 300 sec  kink ~ L/C A

15 Kink Mode?? In the case of  -wave QPP :  kink ~ 5 s –L : 16,000 km –C A : 3,100 km ~observation (P ~ 6 s) Is it possible for flare loop in high pressure? negative image A B

16 Sausage Mode Oscillation - Nakariakov et al. 2003 - Aschwanden et al. 2004 Previous estimations: or External medium, finite wave length  k=k c

17 Radio Pulsation (no imaging) Aschwanden et al. 1987, 2002, etc… clearer oscillation in radio –oscillation periods : P = 0.01  1000 s McLean & Sheridan (1973) Pulsations at 230 MHz, period = 4.28 ± 0.01 s 1972/05/16 flare Culgoora radio spectograph

18 Sausage Mode?? Parameters of loop C A0 = 440 km/s C Ae = 3,500 km/s L = 25,000 km  P GSM = 2L/C p ~ 2L/C Ae  P~15 s ~ observation ! Melnikov et al. 2002 Nakariakov et al. 2003

19 Sausage Mode?? L : 16,000 km T : 9.4 MK n : 4.5×10 10 cm -3 B : 300 G C A0 = 3,100 km/s C Ae = ?? km/s  P GSM < 2L/C A0 ~ 10 s  OK for the case that k is large enough negative image A B

20 Loop Oscillation  Particle Acceleration Loop oscillation modulates the efficiency of particle acceleration?  reconnection region (energy release site) as itself oscillates!?

21 Loop Oscillation  Particle Acceleration Shock acceleration (Tsuneta and Naito 1998) Coalescence instability (Tajima et al. 1987) How loop oscillation modulates particle acceleration? Tsuneta and Naito (1998) Loop oscillation flare-loop

22 Summary & Conclusions Flare-associated oscillations are observed with NoRH Oscillation period ~ Alfven transit time scale Oscillation period is also explained with kink-mode or sausage-mode (not fixed)  Coronal Seismology Loop oscillation modulates the efficiency of particle acceleration  How?

23 Thank you!

24 using NoRP 9.4GHz data, we determined the oscillation period (auto-correlation function)  ~ 6.6 sec 6.6 sec Oscillation Period (Auto-Correlation)

25 Cross-correlation function between HXR and m-wave light curves   -wave peaks delay ~0.6 sec HXT source A source B ~0.6 sec Cross Correlation

26 QPP in microwave and HXR HXR light curves also show QPP  -wave peak slightly delay from HXR peak (~0.6s) ~ traveling time of nonthermal electrons –Length of faint loop : 50,000 km –Time delay : 0.6 s  length of effective electron path: 150,000 km

27 Coronal Magnetic Field SOHO/MDI potential field approximation (MDI data of 1998/11/06)  ~ 350 G rotation MDI 1998-11-06 flare loop

28 No  -wave QPP at Source B No QPP in microwave at source B Emission from thermal plasma (thermal- Bremsstrahlung) is dominant  caused by 1 st burst

29 Kink Mode?? In the case of  -wave QPP :  kink ~ 5 s –L : 16,000 km –C A : 3,100 km ~observation (P ~ 6 s) Is it possible for flare loop in high pressure?

30 Slow Mode Oscillation by SUMER Wang et al. 2002 Ofman et al. 2002 SUMER slit Yohkoh/SXT TRACE 195A SUMER slit 2001-03-09 event (not flare) Fe XIX (6  10 6 K) 200 arcsec

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