Roman Ecological Cement Products Private Limited (RECO)

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Ecological Cement Products Private Limited (RECO)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Ecological Cement Products Private Limited (RECO)

2 Roman Ecological Cement Products Pvt. Ltd.

3 Early History of Roman Cement Research
FACT : 2000 year old Roman Cement used Volcanic Ash ( Class N) RECO Started with varieties of Ash - Class C and Class F fly ash RECO Examined the broad history of ash experiments Tested mixture with a wide variety of global ashes, including Class C and Class F to achieve acceptable concrete strengths Patented the ability to match the ingredients to the Ash in U.S.A, India and world wide The history of fly ash research by RECO began as testing the properties of Portland Cements blended with sources of fly ash

4 What is Roman Ecological Cement - RECO
Roman Ecological Cement is a mineral admixture for normal Portland Cement, HVFA (High Volume Fly Ash) cement and concrete mixture Primary Ingredients Fly ash (Class C, Class F, Pond Ash or Fly Ashes which do not meet C618 Standard Specification) Secondary Ingredients Reactive Pozzolanic material Proprietary Binder It is formulated to enhance strength, durability, impermeability and workability of fresh concrete.

5 OBJECTIVES Provides a High Performance Cement Superior to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC ) Produce Cement at a Lower Cost than OPC Greatly reduces Air pollution (Carbon Emissions) associated with OPC Reduces Permeability - The Main Cause of concrete decomposition and failure

6 Fulfilling Our Objectives
Utilize Fly Ash not presently usable SCM Utilize in-spec and off-spec ash Utilization of Ash meeting C618, which is not accepted by the cement industry Utilize low cost Ash reclaimed from ponds Accomplishments Reduced total cementitious materials requirement - Leaner mix -> % cost savings Reduced Water/ Cement ratio by % Reduced energy needs and CO2 Emissions

7 Reduce Energy Needs and CO2

8 Low Permeability ASTM C 672- Scaling Resistance(average of three specimen) ASTM C 672- Rapid Chloride Permeability ( average of three specimen)

9 Technology Combine OPC, Fly Ash and RECO Cement additive(RCA) as partial cement replacement. RECO Binder 15 – 20% OPC 25 – 50% Fly/ Pond Ash 30 – 50% Up to 70% OPC Replacement

10 Under the Microscope “…a unique Combination of Hydration and Pozzolanic Reactions are the main mechanisms of hardening and strength gain within Reco Cement based products” Typical microstructure of concrete made using RECO Additives

11 100% OPC vs. 50% replacement of OPC with Roman Cement Additive

12 Higher Compressive Strengths
ASTM C 39 – Compressive strength(Average of three 4”x8” cylinders) ASTM C 666 – Freeze- Thaw Resistance(Average of three specimen)

13 High Volume Fly-Ash 65% Replacement of OPC

14 100% OPC vs 65% Replacement

15 Class F High LOI(3%) India

16 100% OPC vs 50% OPC, 50% India Class F High LOI(3%) Fly Ash, and RECO

17 100% OPC vs 30% OPC, 70% India Class F High LOI Fly Ash, and RECO

18 Recent Testing

19 One Year Old Testing

20 73% Replacement of OPC Using Fly-Ash

21 High Strength achieved in precast using High LOI (3%) Fly-Ash(Barbados) 50% Replacement of OPC

22 Class F High LOI (10%) (Hawaii)

23 RECO TESTING We are constantly testing and improving our products

24 How does Blended Cement with RECO Cement affect Concrete Properties ?
Fresh concrete effects are all favorable Lower water demand, slump loss Excellent finishing properties Setting: Generally No Change for straight cement systems Similar response to admixtures - accepts traditional admixtures Strength development: at least equivalent Rate of strength gain and ultimate strength have shown to increase by minimum 15-20% over time Reduced thermal cracking Heat of hydration and durability attributes are significantly improved Meets ASTM C595 Specification (hydration, shrinkage, expansion) Meets General Purpose Cement Specs

25 How to Implement Roman Cement in a Ready Mix Facility
Incorporate RECO Binder by utilizing exiting Silo for Fly-Ash

26 Manufacture a Superior Cement Product with a Strong Profit Margin with Minimal Plant set-up costs

27 How to implement RECO Binder, in to existing cement manufacturer
Reco Cement Binder is added at ball mill stage

28 How is it made, and what’s different about it ?
A metered proportion of crushed, dried limestone and Glass is fed to the grinding mill along with clinker, gypsum, fly-ash and/ or slag The RECO Cement Additive is more easily ground than the clinker(which is harder) and becomes concentrated in the finest particles Overall fineness must be higher(for equivalent performance) in order for fineness of clinker fraction to be similar to OPC - Production rate is slowed - Some additional grinding energy is required but is more than offset by lower clinker content and related kiln savings Particle size distribution is enhanced Hydration is enhanced by both physical and chemical interaction greater overall Cementitious efficiency is possible Sustainability benefits are significant via reduced associated carbon emission and embodied energy(less clinker)

29 What’s different about RECO Cement?
Summary What’s different about RECO Cement? Higher Strength Longer Durability Lower life cycle Cost Uses Recycled or local materials in the mix Improved Workability Reduced water requirement Lower Heat of Hydration and thermal cracking during setting Low Permeability

30 RECO Research Center

31 RECO Current Customers
Holcim(USA) LaFarge(USA) TCL(Caribbean) Finja(Sweden) WeEnergies (WeEnergies is the largest power company in Wisconsin and is funding another plant for RECOCement in Wisconsin to utilize their fly ash) Ozinga (Chicago lllinois) Green Building Products Preconco (Bardados) Precasting Omya (USA) RamRock (USA) Quikrete (USA) (Large US Manufacturer of Bagged and Specialty Cements)

32 Thank You for your undivided attention Navrattan – RECO – India
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