CCEPS Archival Fellowship Spring, 2015. Opening the Door… “Behind the Scenes” Enthusiasm for work… An opportunity to develop…

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Presentation on theme: "CCEPS Archival Fellowship Spring, 2015. Opening the Door… “Behind the Scenes” Enthusiasm for work… An opportunity to develop…"— Presentation transcript:

1 CCEPS Archival Fellowship Spring, 2015

2 Opening the Door… “Behind the Scenes” Enthusiasm for work… An opportunity to develop…

3 Nag Hammadi, more than just a Destination… Like a kid in the candy store… Historian/Detective… History is key to appraisal…

4 Discovery of the Codices Muhammad Ali (center) discovered the ancient Gnostic texts in 1945 near the town of Nag Hammadi in Egypt and brought them home to his mother (pictured above).


6 The Dead Sea Scrolls

7 Organized Chaos… Assessing the collection K.I.S.S. Lessons learned

8 Behind the Glass Wall…

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