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Government Data Integration หลักสูตรเบื้องต้นSOAP 083-788-7769 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Data Integration หลักสูตรเบื้องต้นSOAP 083-788-7769 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Data Integration หลักสูตรเบื้องต้นSOAP 083-788-7769 1

2 วัตถุประสงค์ เข้าใจสถาปัตยกรรม SOA เข้าใจ Web Services พัฒนา Web Services แบบ SOAP 2

3 SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol 3

4 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)? SOAP is an XML notation for describing how messages are assembled and transmitted over HTTP between service consumers (clients) and service providers (servers) 4

5 The Web Services Stack XML Based Messaging Network Service Description Service Publication Service Discovery Service Flow SecurityManagementQuality of Service WSFL WSDL SOAP http, ftp, MQ, IIOP, etc. UDDI 5

6 Server SOAP Server responds in SOAP format Client SOAP Client sends request in SOAP format request respond 6

7 SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol Used to send messages between applications Envelope with Header and Body Invocation of methods 7

8 8

9 9

10 WSDL Web Service Description Language ความรู้เบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับ Web Services 10

11 Uniform Resource Identifier URI - Uniform Resource Identifier URL - Uniform Resource Locator URN - Uniform Resource Name 11

12 WSDL 12

13 WSDL... 13

14 definition 14

15 message 15

16 portType 16

17 binding <soap:binding style='rpc' transport=''/> <soap:body use='encoded' namespace='urn:localhost-temperature' encodingStyle=''/> <soap:body use='encoded' namespace='urn:localhost-temperature' encodingStyle=''/> 17

18 service 18

19 19

20 SOAP Consumer 20

21 Google Search License Key –ecDc6bFQFHLXPKTEO0McWIoE3LVRSEw2 21

22 Controller class CodeController < ApplicationController def googletest yourkey = 'YOUR GOOGLE DEVELOPER KEY' @yourquery = 'SEARCH TEXT' XSD::Charset.encoding = 'UTF8' googleurl = "" urn = "urn:GoogleSearch" driver =, urn) driver.add_method('doGoogleSearch', 'key', 'q', 'start', 'maxResults', 'filter', 'restrict', 'safeSearch', 'lr', 'ie', 'oe') @result = driver.doGoogleSearch(yourkey, @yourquery, 0, 3, false, '', false, '', '', '') end 22

23 View Query for: Found: Query took about seconds Title: Summary: Link: "> 23

24 use WSDL require 'soap/wsdlDriver' class CodeController < ApplicationController def googletest yourkey = 'YOUR GOOGLE DEVELOPER KEY' @yourquery = 'SEARCH TEXT' XSD::Charset.encoding = 'UTF8' wsdl = "" driver = @result = driver.doGoogleSearch(yourkey, @yourquery, 0, 3, false, '', false, '', '', '') end 24

25 ปตท. rrentOilPrice 25

26 Controller def ptt require 'soap/wsdlDriver' XSD::Charset.encoding = 'UTF8' wsdl = "" driver = @result = driver.CurrentOilPrice(:Language=>'TH') @h= Hash.from_xml @result['CurrentOilPriceResult'] end 26

27 View price is 27

28 PHP & Java 28

29 Lab ertor.asmx ertor.asmx 29

30 SOAP Provider 30

31 ActionWebService sudo gem install datanoise-actionwebservice --source ruby setup.rb 31

32 Generate Web Service ruby script/generate web_service test_ws 32

33 test_ws_api.rb class TestWsApi < ActionWebService::API::Base api_method :dogreeting, :expects => [{:username => :string}], :returns => [{:greeting => :string}] end 33

34 test_ws_controller.rb class TestWsController < ApplicationController require 'action_web_service' web_service_api 'TestWs' wsdl_service_name 'TestWs' def dogreeting(username) "Hello #{username}" end 34

35 Consumption Test (on different port) def test_soap require 'soap/wsdlDriver' XSD::Charset.encoding = 'UTF8' wsdl = "http://localhost:3999/test_ws/wsdl" driver = SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory. new(wsdl).create_rpc_driver @result = driver.dogreeting('songrit') render :text => @result end 35

36 More Parameters class PersonAPI < ActionWebService::API::Base api_method :add, :expects => [:string, :string, :bool], :returns => [:int] api_method :remove, :expects => [:int], :returns => [:bool] end 36

37 Complex Structure & Array 37

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