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Contract & Grant Administration and Kuali Research Administration (KRA) April 10, 2006 Jim Becker.

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Presentation on theme: "Contract & Grant Administration and Kuali Research Administration (KRA) April 10, 2006 Jim Becker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contract & Grant Administration and Kuali Research Administration (KRA) April 10, 2006 Jim Becker

2 Overview KRA/IU ERA Functionality –Proposal Routing Form –Proposal Budget Development Kuali/FIS Functionality –Documents: Proposal, Award, Account, Budget –Maintenance: Subcontractor, Agency, Project Director, Research Risk –Inquiries: Proposal, Award, Account Data Warehouse/Reporting Environment

3 KRA/ERA Modular design –Budget Development –Routing Form –Human Subjects –Maintenance Integrated with FIS –Personnel, salaries, agencies, subcontractors, Project Directors. In the works: CoI, Animal Subjects,

4 KRA Budget Automatic calculations –Subtotals, totals, fringe benefits, indirect costs –Builds inflation into out-year budgets Maintenance tables –Fringe benefit rates –Indirect cost rates NIH Modular budgets Multiple XML output formats (pdf) The Budget subcategories map to FIS object codes










14 KRA/ERA Routing Form Links to university tables for org hierarchy and user information Electronic routing via OneStart Workflow Default approvers by org hierarchy Ad-hoc approvers as necessary PDF output Automatically feeds the FIS proposal document when fully approved









23 Kuali/FIS C&G Functionality Proposal Maintenance Document Award Maintenance Account Maintenance Budget Adjustments C&G Tables Maintenance Screens Cost Share Effort Reporting Inquiries in FIS

24 Proposal Maintenance Collects general information Project director, organization (campus, department), time frames, subcontractors, etc. Manually entered by pre-award staff, or Automatic entry by ERA system

25 Proposal Maintenance

26 Proposal Details

27 Award Maintenance A separate table from the Proposal (allows differences between Proposal and Award) Pulls data from the Proposal table Specific data (C&G administrator, LOC information, etc., associated account numbers) Manually entered by C&G (post-award) staff

28 Award Maintenance

29 Award Details

30 Award Accounts

31 Account Maintenance C&G accounts are like other accounts C&G specific fields include F&A rate, exclusions, Higher Ed. Function Code, etc. Separate accounts for on/off campus components, multiple departments, etc. Linked to the Award, and therefore to the Proposal

32 Account Responsibility

33 Account – C&G Specifics


35 C&G Budget Captures the awarded budget Budgets for each associated account Budgeted at the object code level Sub-accounts allow budgets for multiple purposes, including cost share

36 Maintenance Screens and Reference Tables Project Director F&A Rates Exclusions Agencies Subcontractors Research Risk Effort Reporting Many others

37 Cost Share Utilizes existing sub-account structure Sub-account is linked to a departmental account Encumbrances on the CS sub-account are mirrored on the departmental account Expenses on the CS sub-account are reimbursed nightly by the departmental account

38 Cost Share C&G Account Cost Share Sub-Account Department Account Expenses – charged to a Cost Share Sub-Account Cash Cash is transferred nightly to cover all cost share expenses incurred that day.

39 Sub-Accounts

40 Effort Reporting After-the-fact confirmation Batch process creates the initial reports Routed through FIS for Fiscal Officer (or delegate) approval Modifications to an effort report spawn salary transfers Manually re-created reports are available as well

41 FIS Effort Report

42 Query Capability C&G Inquiries Page Proposal-Award-Account all linked in the lookup screens Account and budget are linked Query capabilities (parameters) Document search capabilities

43 C&G Inquiry Screens

44 C&G Cash Management Utilizes the FIS AR system for invoice payments Non-AR payments also processed via AR using the Cash Control document Queries calculate the agency-specific LOC draw-down amounts daily Batch process distributes LOC income to the C&G accounts monthly

45 Reporting Environment De-normalized Data Tables Pre-Defined Queries Standard Monthly Reports (Reports Viewer) Project Director Reports Digests

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