 What is global warming?.  Global Warming: A gradual warming of the Earth's atmosphere reportedly caused by fossil fuels and pollution. A form of Climate.

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Presentation on theme: " What is global warming?.  Global Warming: A gradual warming of the Earth's atmosphere reportedly caused by fossil fuels and pollution. A form of Climate."— Presentation transcript:

1  What is global warming?

2  Global Warming: A gradual warming of the Earth's atmosphere reportedly caused by fossil fuels and pollution. A form of Climate Change: Changes in the Earth's climate

3  The Greenhouse Effect naturally keeps the earth warm by trapping the sun’s heat in the atmosphere  Water vapor, CO 2, CO & Methane are naturally found in the atmosphere  Without the Greenhouse Effect, life on earth would not be possible

4  Increased Hurricanes  Increased Extinction Rates  Higher sea levels  Ice Caps are melting

5  resources that can be replaced relatively quickly by natural processes. Ex.: trees, corn, wind

6  resources that cannot be replaced quickly through natural processes. Ex: oil, other fossil fuels, metals, natural gas.  Today’s main resources used for energy consumption

7  The amount of energy or fuel a person or country consumes or uses  Your carbon footprint is essentially how much energy you use.

8  Developed countries consume the most energy  Examples: The United States, Western Europe, etc.  Can you name another developed country?  If the world consumed as much as the United States, we would need 5 earth’s full of resources  LDC’s (less developed countries with high populations) world energy consumption is on the rise  Examples include India & China

9 After watching the film about the history of oil, answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. What are some inventions that resulted from the usage of fossil fuels? 2. What are some of the effects of rising CO2 levels? (we’ve already talked about some of these) 3. According to the video, what are some things we will have to do in the future?

10 Graph Analysis: Use the following graph to answer the questions about future oil production. 1. According to the graph on the right, when had the world oil production peaked? 2. What measures could people take in changing the future production levels? 3. What do you predict about the future of energy in the year 2080?

11  Go to Ms. Bisheh’s website and click on link underneath our class day to the website (EPA student emissions calculator). Next go through the survey to calculate your carbon emissions. Do the best you can and estimate if you are not sure on some of the answers. Be honest on your answers. Your total savings: 1. Compare your total savings with some of your classmates totals, does it seem like you have a bigger savings or smaller? Why do you think this is? 2. Which of the things did you click “no” on? Why? 3. What improvements do you think your household could do to decrease your total carbon footprint and increase your savings? 4. What are some other actions you can take to reduce your number? (click on the find out more link and list some of the ideas) 5. Why do you think regions like Texas have higher carbon footprints and less emissions savings than other states? Explain.

12 Closure Question- Ticket out the door How does this political cartoon indicate the trends towards world energy usage? Write at least 3 sentences explaining your answer.

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