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The Senior Project A Voyage of Discovery. Live It Learn It Love It.

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Presentation on theme: "The Senior Project A Voyage of Discovery. Live It Learn It Love It."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Senior Project A Voyage of Discovery

2 Live It Learn It Love It

3 Live It  It will be hard work  It can be stressful BUT...  It can be rewarding  You get to choose!!

4 Learn It You will learn:  Organization  Time management skills  Collaboration with a mentor  Writing for different audiences  Real life lessons  Self discovery

5 Love It OOOOpportunity or obligation? ““““Have to” or “want to?” EEEEasy or challenging? It’s up to you - choice!!

6 The Project Topic  Must include a “learning stretch”  Requires intellectual and emotional growth  Explore:  Careers/Post-graduation plans  Something you have never done – take a chance!  Something you have done, but want to take to a higher level – challenge yourself!

7 Senior Project Components The Four P’s: 1. Paper 2. Product 3. Portfolio 4. Presentation

8 ResearchPaper  Paper connected to Senior Project topic  Research should enrich your field work and vice versa  This is NOT a report  This is a research-based position paper:  Take a position  Support it with evidence from your research

9 ResearchPaper  You know the structure from your junior research paper  The next steps start here… Senior Project Research Paper Topic Field Work and Mentoring

10 Product Knowledge from research Knowledge from research + Fieldwork and mentoring experiences Product that you create Product that you create Detailed documentation of how you create the product, from start to finish, is required. Document the Process Product = Evidence of Learning Stretch

11 Portfolio  Documentation of the entire Senior Project process, from choosing a topic to the final reflection, and all the steps in between.  Series of artifacts illustrating your journey.  Senior Project yearbook.

12 Presentation  O O O Opportunity to showcase the knowledge gained through the Senior Project experience  P P P Panel of judges comprised of teachers, staff, and community members.  T T T This is your chance to shine!

13 Preparing for the Journey Use Brainstorming Handouts The ship sets sail on August 31 st BE PREPARED!! Project Topic Research Paper Product Seek Mentor

14 ResearchPaper Product PresentationPortfolio Graduation! Put all the pieces together and you are one step closer to...

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