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Wyoming Valley West Technology Evaluation John Sharkus Ed. 585.

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1 Wyoming Valley West Technology Evaluation John Sharkus Ed. 585

2 Infrastructure  District does possess an infrastructure that allows for all classrooms to be connected to the Internet. High School (Plymouth) Middle School (Kingston) State Street Dana Street Third Ave. Chester Street Pringle Street Main Street Schuyler Ave.

3 Parent Communication  Skyward – Grade book system that allows for parents to monitor student progress, post assignments/notes/directions, and allows for direct communication between teachers and parents.

4 Classrooms of the Future Grant  W.V.W. was/is a part of the Classrooms of the Future grant. Sponsored 2 cohorts of teachers. In the High School roughly half of the teachers have been trained to use C.F.F. equipment, all teachers in primary (tested) content areas have been trained.  English Literature Classrooms of the Future teachers in this content area have used the technology in the following ways.  Blogs  Blue Web’n  E-Literate  Webquests  Poetry contests  Video conferencing  Classroom exchanges

5 Important Links  The Department of Education website offers some useful links for English classes attempting to operate in a technologically friendly environment. Link to Resources

6 “Race to the Top”  Through Race to the Top, we are asking States to advance reforms around four specific areas: Adopting standards and assessments that prepare students to succeed in college and the workplace and to compete in the global economy; Building data systems that measure student growth and success, and inform teachers and principals about how they can improve instruction; Recruiting, developing, rewarding, and retaining effective teachers and principals, especially where they are needed most; and Turning around our lowest-achieving schools.  The initiative revolves around competitive funding. Schools and states that show attempts to achieve and progress in these areas are rewarded with federal funding.

7 W.V.W. and “Race to the Top”  I do not believe it is high up on our districts priority list, but if the information I found is accurate we are involved. Does not seem to be priority. No mandates, or directives have been passed on to the faculty.

8 Standards Aligned System  Comprehensive approach to support student achievement across the state of Pennsylvania Clear Standards Fair Assessments Curriculum Framework Instruction Materials/Resources Interventions  9th Grade Standards 9th Grade Standards

9 Strategic Plan  Unable to find details on our Districts Strategic Plan. I was referred to people who have yet to establish contact with me. The school is due to re-establish a strategic plan every 5 years. (Not sure where we are in that span.) Technology is a part of the plan, increasing funding and usage of technology, however we weren’t sure how to describe its role in the S.P.

10 Interactive Whiteboards  The High School is the benefactor of the Technology initiatives. Roughly 80% of the Classrooms have been outfitted with Interactive Whiteboards. Resources exist to the extent that all classrooms could be outfitted. The matter exists of finding the man power to install all of the boards.

11 District Wide software  MS Office  Open Office  Adobe CS  Skyward  Aesop  My Learning Plan (new)  ActivInspire Software to be implemented is evaluated by a team that help determine whether it will meet needs that teachers have expressed and is it the most cost effective.

12 Fair Use and Copyright  The policy exists in the Handbook and is thus reliant on a person’s reading of said handbook.  The basis of the agreement is such that uses of technology are deemed acceptable provided it is aligned specifically with student need and curriculum goals.  Handbook Handbook

13 Interactive Response System  We do not subscribe directly to an Interactive Response System.  The capability exists within the technology we are currently using, but implementing the technology through hardware becomes difficult. Some teachers have been able to utilize the technology, has not been implemented on a large scale.

14 I.R.S. uses  The system could be implemented in a variety of ways: Quizzes Surveys Reviews Voting purposes (class specific of course)

15 A.Y.P.  As a district, Wyoming Valley West made the target annual yearly progress.  The High School did not, we are currently in corrective action I. WYOMING VALLEY WEST SHS Overview RSS Feed WYOMING VALLEY WEST SHS Overview RSS Feed

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