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La pietra filosofale The philosopher's stone is, the substance symbol of alchemy catalyst, able to heal the corruption of matter.

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Presentation on theme: "La pietra filosofale The philosopher's stone is, the substance symbol of alchemy catalyst, able to heal the corruption of matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 La pietra filosofale The philosopher's stone is, the substance symbol of alchemy catalyst, able to heal the corruption of matter.

2 The philosopher's stone would be equipped with three extraordinary properties: providing an elixir of life that can confer immortality representing the universal panacea for every disease; acquiring omniscience or absolute knowledge of the past and the future, of good and evil. Finally, the ability to transmute base metals into gold. Many of the legends, however, attribute to this element other properties, or they steal some. Some also speculate on the fact that the element actually should not be forcibly solid and that it is a red powder or even a very dense yellowish material like amber.

3 Apparently the concept originated from the theories of the Muslim alchemist Geber. He analyzed each of the four Aristotelian elements ( fire, water, earth, air) in terms of four basic qualities : hot, cold, dry and wet. In this way, the fire was hot and dry, earth cold and dry, water cold and moist, and air hot and moist. He also theorized that each metal was a combination of these four principles, two of these inner and two outer..

4 The belief in the " triple power" philosopher's stone would have deep roots ; being considered a gold metal as "immortaL“,, figuring out how to produce it from base metals is understanding how to make an immortal mortal body. Gold is also similar to the light that is similar to the spirit. Turning all metals into gold means then transforming the material into spirit. For centuries alchemists and scientists have directed all their efforts in search of the stone, especially during the Renaissance.

5 For the ancient philosopher's stone definitely exists and you can get through the decomposition of a latent alloy through different average environments. the secret of the great work is to choose an average environment, in which the metallic light simmers, and before that it specializes, place it in the extreme positive, bring it to bright red.

6 Made by: Alexoaiei Alex Vicini Emanuele Solini Paolo Gil Karolina Massacesi Alessandra

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