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Review for the exam Answer the following questions to review for the exam.

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1 Review for the exam Answer the following questions to review for the exam.

2 Ideologies What is the purpose of a government? What are the needs to be covered by a government? Determine the aim of balancing freedom and equality What happens if: –There is more freedom than equality –There is more equality than freedom What is the political spectrum and what do you use it for? How do left and right ideologies differ?

3 Structure and Philosophy of government What are the differences between democracies and totalitarian regimes? Name four characteristics of a single political party state. How is the opposition treated? And why? What do totalitarian states seek with their economic policies? Name four developments achieved though economic policies. Why are the economic policies so important? Explain your answer with an example.

4 What do totalitarian regimes seek through social polices: –Left-wing regime –Right-wing regime Why do totalitarian regimes seek to control media, arts and education? How do totalitarian regimes control the media? Explain the purpose of education in single- party states How does the single-party state´s approach of education differ from democracies? Name some of the values of totalitarian regimes support through the education.

5 With what aim is the propaganda used in totalitarian regimes? Explain the reasons totalitarian states have to monopolize the media? Analyze the following propaganda: What is the message conveyed in the source? What is the man carrying? What is the context of the propaganda in 1948?

6 Juan Domingo Peron Assess the political, economic and social situation of Argentina before the rise to power of Peron. Describe the impact of the infamous decade in Argentina. What were the main events around the world that affected Argentina? Determine the long and short term factors that influenced Peron’s rise to power. How did Peron’s work as Secretary of Labour and Welfare contribute to his rise?

7 What were the elements that influenced the Peronist thought? And why? Explain the three principles of the Peronism. How was the opposition of Peron constituted? Why were the events of 17 October important in Peron’s rise to power? Explain Peron’s first moves to consolidate the power during his first presidency of 1946-55. Name the changes Peron did during his first and second presidency in relation to political, social and economic issues. What is the role of Eva Peron in the acceptance of Peron? And Why? What did Peron do As Minister of War?

8 What was the reason Peron had to increase the cult of Eva after her death? What was the influence that Peron in Argentina during his exile? Why was Peron able to return and win a third election?

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