COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Support for research infrastructures within GROWTH.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Support for research infrastructures within GROWTH."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Support for research infrastructures within GROWTH

2 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Materials Measurements & Testing Innovative products processes and organisation Sustainable mobility and intermodality Land transport and marine technologies New perspectives in aeronautics GENERIC TECHNOLOGIES KEY ACTIONS Competitive and Sustainable Growth (2 705 M€) Support for Research Infrastructures

3 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Socio-economic objectives Optimum utilisation of research facilities Rapid transfer and implementation of RTD- results Development of common practice

4 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Tasks Support activities to medium and large- scale facilities Setting up of virtual institutes Reference databases Support to measurement and quality management infrastructure

5 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Implementation Budget 37 M€ EoI / Dedicated call mechanism Network-type contract RTD funding not included

6 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission The EoI / Dedicated call mechanism 1 EoI is a structured description of research infrastructures’ related needs in the areas covered by the workprogramme Any interested party (incl. Commission services) can submit an EoI Received EoIs (continuously open call) are periodically evaluated Expressions of interest (EoI)

7 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Dedicated calls Dedicated calls, i.e. lists of topics resulting from EoI evaluations, are published periodically Supporting documents (modified & anonymous EoIs) for all published topics are available on the web Any eligible consortium may submit a proposal for any of the published topics The EoI / Dedicated call mechanism 2

8 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Network contract 100 % of allowable costs covered Management costs - meetings and administration Setting-up and maintenance of communication system (hardware not included) Assessment of the state-of-the-art, mapping of competences Identification of RTD gaps, RTD strategy, coordination of RTD work Dissemination of RTD results, information activities Initiation and coordination of training and education Interacting with standardisation bodies

9 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Knowledge-based, market-orientated networks to facilitate rapid transfer and exploitation of RTD results Setting up of virtual institutes

10 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Provide services, including RTD services Attract industrial membership/sponsorship Connect industries to appropriate research facilities Identify RTD needs and help to form consortia Act as information centre... What could a Virtual Institute do ?

11 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission … financially viable and sustainable activity … (self-financing beyond the period of EC-funding) Virtual institutes General requirement:

12 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Virtual institutes Broad and leading expertise Draft business plan Strong management Legal structure foreseen Reach-out strategy towards customers Key elements

13 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Virtual institutes 36 expressions of interest evaluated 14 topics published (deadline for 9 of those : 15 March 2001) 5 proposals retained Present (Nov. 2000) situation  Quality of EoI’s and proposals is increasing New ideas (EoI’s) needed !

14 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Virtual institutes Topics published on 13 October 2000: –The European virtual institute for tribology –The European virtual institute for gas-turbine instrumentation –The European virtual institute for advanced manufacturing enterprises –The European virtual institute for structural integrity –The European virtual institute for design by analysis of pressure equipment –The European virtual institute for geometric measurements –The European virtual institute for industrial chemometrics and metrology –The European virtual institute for jewellery technology The European virtual institute for recycling Deadline : 15 March 2001

15 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Making data available Improving quality of data Improving interoperability Facilitating access Reference databases

16 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Cataloguing resources Linking data generators, database operators and users Guaranteeing reliable and secure service Interacting with complementary e-services Catering for different user profile Providing on-line support Reference databases What could be done ?

17 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Reference databases  Market-oriented networks emerging More EoI’s needed 8 expressions of interest evaluated 4 topics published (deadline for 2 of those : 15 March 2001) 2 proposals retained Present (Nov. 2000) situation

18 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Reference databases Topics published on 13 October 2000: –Access to research spectroscopic data and associated chemical knowledge –Inter-operability of existing materials database Deadline : 15 March 2001

19 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Mutual acceptance of measurements Support to laboratories in candidate member states Support to metrologically less developed sectors Harmonised implementation of quality standards Measurement and quality management infrastructure

20 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission 18 expressions of interest evaluated 6 topics published (deadline for 1 of those : 15 March 2001) 4 proposals retained Present (Nov. 2000) situation Measurement and quality management infrastructure  More EoI’s needed

21 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Topic published on 13 October 2000: Implementation of measuring instrument directives according to the New Approach Deadline : 15 March 2001 Measurement and quality management infrastructure

22 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Medium- and large-scale facilities Topic published on 13 October 2000: Network of European medium- and large-scale transport research facilities' operators Deadline : 15 March 2001

23 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Call for expressions of interest open until 30 April 2001 Fourth dedicated call published on 13 October 2000 Fifth dedicated call foreseen for publication on 15 October 2001 Calls

24 COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Research DG European Commission Some information sources Virtual institutes: Growth helpdesk: tel: +32/2/2952345fax: +32/2/2966757 CORDIS: EUROPA:

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