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Margaret Fuller The Female Transcendentalist Voice.

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Presentation on theme: "Margaret Fuller The Female Transcendentalist Voice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Margaret Fuller The Female Transcendentalist Voice

2 1810- 1850 Fuller led a life uncommon to most women during this time period. Her father, a serious lawyer and politician, wanted a son, so when she was born a daughter, he decided to raise her as a son by educating her the way a boy would be educated during this time. (Girls received little education compared to today’s standards). Subsequently, Fuller was studying Latin at age 6!!!! This progressed to French and German soon after. She said, regarding this intensive education: “[It] was a premature development of the brain, that made me a ‘youthful prodigy’ by day, and by night a victim of spectral illusions, nightmare and somnambulism…”

3 Making it to the ‘In-Crowd’ When she moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, she became impressed with the Transcendentalist intellectual movement. Ralph Waldo Emerson (leader of the group) was impressed with her knowledge of foreign literature. Remember that the Transcendentalists saw the goodness and potential in EVERYONE, men, women, poor, rich, slave, master… However, it was with uneasiness that Emerson, Thoreau, and the others welcomed her into their male-dominated circle. This is proof as to how extensive the inequality was between males and females during this time: even forward, radical thinkers struggled with the concept of actually admitting a woman into their group.

4 An Advocate for Women Fuller argued that men and women held similar qualities. That men could be tender, as women were stereotyped as being, and women could be strong, as men were often stereotyped. She pushed for equal roles, responsibilities, and opportunities in marriages. These two beliefs are seen in “The Great Lawsuit…”, which is your reading this week. She became a teacher, but focused on teaching women. Her class was taught in the Socratic method—a discussion led by pointed questions on ancient to modern philosophy. She wanted to give women a chance to prove their intelligence.

5 Tragedy She moved to Rome, where she met, fell in love with, and married Giovanni Ossoli Together, they became a part of the revolutionary movement of 1847-1849 in Italy. After Rome fell, she, her husband, and her child boarded a ship for the U.S. The ship ran aground near Fire Island, New York, on July 18, 1850. Fuller refused to leave her husband and child, and the three drowned the next day when the ship broke apart in a storm. Thoreau went to visit the sight, hoping to find any remains, especially a copy of her latest manuscript, but found nothing more than a few letters and buttons.

6 Legacy Despite the brevity of her existence, Fuller’s life already posed a challenge to American culture that could not be avoided. Feminist writers like Kate Chopin were directly influenced by Fuller. Her ideas, philosophies, and influence prepared the United States for the Women’s Rights movement.

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