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Persuasion and propaganda Bellwork WEEKS ONE AND TWO.

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1 Persuasion and propaganda Bellwork WEEKS ONE AND TWO

2 Tuesday, January 5 th  Welcome Back!  Begin working on the handout “New Year’s Resolution Brainstorming.”  We will visit the Media Center to check out/renew books, so have all your books with you!

3 Tuesday, January 5 th ’s bias: an inability or unwillingness of an author to look at all sides of an issue  2.propaganda: attempts to influence ideas or opinions dishonestly using faulty reasoning or other persuasive appeals  3.counterargument: an argument opposed to your thesis, or part of your thesis. It expresses the view of a person who disagrees with your position.  4.persuasive appeals: methods used to convince people to agree with a position  5.testimonial- a famous or important person endorses a product, so the listeners should too (regardless of whether the product is good)

4 Wednesday, January 6 th  6.emotional appeal – drawing on the emotional responses from people (fear, anger, happiness) to move people to do something  7.ethical appeal - making readers trust the writer and believe that his/her position is the ”right thing to do”.  8.rational appeal - appeals to the head rather than the heart with the use of logic, facts, or other types of hard evidence  9.urgent appeal – appeal stating that if you do not act now, it will be too late  10.repetition- repeating an idea or a phrase over and over so that it sticks in the viewer’s head  11.exaggeration- overstating a point

5 Wednesday, January 6 th  12.bandwagon- talking about how many other people use a product or act a certain way, making the viewer want to be part of the “in crowd”  13.faulty reasoning- Flawed thinking or thinking that has errors in it that lead to incorrect conclusions  14.either/or fallacy- Saying there are only two choices when there are actually more  15.faulty cause/effect- believing that because one event came before another, the first event caused the second event to happen.  16.transfer- connecting products to ideas that make the audience feel good but that don’t necessarily have much to do with the product.

6 Thursday, January 7 th  (Pepsi)  1. As you watch the commercial, write down what type of PROPAGANDA is being used.  2 Explain how the commercial used that type of propaganda.

7 Thursday, January 7 th Write out the statements and then label them with the persuasive appeal:  1. "If his years as a Marine taught him anything, it’s that caution is the best policy in this sort of situation.“  2. "Don’t be the last person at school to have a Sabercat t-shirt– you don’t want to be the laughing stock of your class!“ Dude, it’s reading time! Add to your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.

8 Friday, January 8 th   1. As you watch the commercial, write down what type of PROPAGANDA is being used.  2 Explain how the commercial used that type of propaganda.

9 Friday, January 8 th Write out the statements and then label them with the persuasive appeal:  1. "You should consider another route. I heard that that street is far more dangerous and ominous at night than during the daytime.“  2. "Doctors all over the world recommend this type of treatment.“ Dude, it’s reading time! Add to your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.

10 Monday, January 11 th  oG8(Hyundai) oG8  1. As you watch the commercial, write down what type of PROPAGANDA is being used.  2 Explain how the commercial used that type of propaganda.

11 Monday, January 11 th Dude, it’s reading time! Add to your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.

12 Tuesday, January 12 th   1. As you watch the commercial, write down what type of PROPAGANDA is being used.  2 Explain how the commercial used that type of propaganda.  Keep your bellwork- we will continue studying persuasion next week and you will be quizzed over these terms next Friday!

13 Tuesday, January 12 th  1. What persuasive appeal does this ad use?  2. How? Dude, it’s reading time! Add to your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.

14 Wednesday, January 13 th  84XzlFE(Verizon) 84XzlFE  1. What persuasive appeal does this commercial make?  2. Explain how the commercial makes that persuasive appeal.

15 Wednesday, January 13 th Write out the statements and then label them with the persuasive appeal:  1. "Research compiled by analysts from NASA, as well as organizations from five other nations with space programs, suggests that a moon colony is viable with international support.“  2. "History has shown time and again that absolute power corrupts absolutely.“ Dude, it’s reading time! Add to your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.

16 Thursday, January 14 th  rK-g6U8(Feeding America) rK-g6U8  1. What persuasive appeal does this commercial make?  2. Explain how the commercial makes that persuasive appeal.

17 Thursday, January 14 th  1. What persuasive appeal does this ad use?  2. How? Dude, it’s reading time! Add to your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.

18 Friday, January 15 th  PdRXmxA(Goodwill) PdRXmxA  1. What persuasive appeal does this commercial make?  2. Explain how the commercial makes that persuasive appeal.

19 Friday, January 15 th Write out the statements and then label them with the persuasive appeal:  1. “She is a forensics and ballistics expert for the federal government – if anyone’s qualified to determine the murder weapon, it’s her.“  2. "If we don’t move soon, we’re all going to die!” Dude, it’s reading time! Add to your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.

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