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NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT/Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT/Experience UNIT FOCUS QUESTIONS is about... Student Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT/Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT/Experience UNIT FOCUS QUESTIONS is about... Student Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT/Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT/Experience UNIT FOCUS QUESTIONS is about... Student Activities or Assignments UNIT MAP CURRENT UNIT 1 32 4 5 6 7 8 Cell Structure Lab Genetic Traits Lab Cell Division Lab Cell Division Quiz Plant Reproduction Quiz Animal Reproduction Quiz Stages of Development Poster Unit Assessment Characteristics of ElectricityLife Science – Reproduction and Human Development Science 90 Exploring our Universe developing an understanding of living species by 1. How does the process of genetic information transfer, and past and present understandings understanding of this process, impact society? 2.What is the significance of cellular reproductive processes, including mitosis and meiosis? 3. What are the processes and implications of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants and animals? 4. How does the process of human reproduction, including cultural world views and the influence of reproductive and contraceptive technologies impact society? transfer of genetic information cellular reproductive processes human reproduction examining the process of observing and describing the analyzing the process of sexual and asexual reproduction describing the processes Problem/Solution Compare/Contrast Sequencing Description Inquiry LEARNING PROCESSES

2 NAME DATE The Unit Organizer NEW UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10. developing an understanding of living species by transfer of genetic information cellular reproductive processes human reproduction examining the process of observing and describing the analyzing the process of sexual and asexual reproduction describing the processes Life Science - Reproduction and Human Development

3 NAME DATE The Unit Organizer NEW UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10. developing an understanding of living species by transfer of genetic information cellular reproductive processes human reproduction examining the process of observing and describing the analyzing the process of sexual and asexual reproduction describing the processes Life Science - Reproduction and Human Development Genetic Conditions Cell Structure Genetic Traits Cell Division Mitosis Meiosis Cell Growth Plant Reproduction Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction Animal Reproduction Male Repro. System Female Repro. System Stages of Development Reproductive Techno. Social Issues

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