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Implement of simple Terminal Operating System

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1 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
Mini-TOS 개발 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System IKE Lab. 부산대학교 정보지식공학 연구실

2 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
목차 Mini-TOS 개발 - Implement of simple Terminal Operating System 개요 디자인 구현 예제 시연 IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

3 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
개요 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System 컨테이너 터미널의 구조 안벽(선석, Berth) 에이프런(Apron) 신선대 컨테이너 터미널 조감도 CY(Container Yard) 게이트(Gate) IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

4 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
개요 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System 컨테이너 터미널의 장비 야드 트럭(Yard tractor) 안벽 크레인(Container crane) 야드 샤시(Yard chassis) 야드 크레인(RTGC) 야드 크레인(RMGC) IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

5 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
개요 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System 컨테이너 터미널의 운영 4대 요소 컨테이너 터미널 육송과 해송의 접점으로 컨테이너를 선박에 싣고 내리거나 잠시 보관 컨테이너 터미널 구성요소 – 장비, 장비 기사, 단말기, 선박, 운영자, 장치장, 선석, 게이트, CFS, 정비소, 노동자, etc… 터미널 외부환경 터미널 운영에 필요한 외부사건이 발생하는 곳 터미널 외부환경 구성요소 - 선사, 포워딩 업체, 운송사, 화주, EDI, etc… 터미널 운영시스템(TOS) 배나 현장에 가지 않아도 DB를 검색 하여 운영자에게 상황 정보 제공 운영 자동화 지원 의사 결정 지원 현장 작업자 에게 작업 송신 작업 지시결과 수신 운영자 선박 도착 전에 양/적하 계획을 세움 양/적하 계획에 따라 운영 상황 지시 및 통제 장비 기사와 교신 하여 예외 상황 해결 IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

6 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
개요 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System 컨테이너 터미널 프로세스 터미널 작업 시뮬레이션 보기 Gate In Gate Out Discharge Load 자료출처 – 항만물류시스템 백인태 저 IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

7 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
개요 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System 터미널 업무 자동화 지원을 위한 간단한 터미널 운영시스템 구현 플래너가 양/적하 계획 수립, 오퍼레이터가 운영 상황 통제, 야드 트럭이 컨테이너 운반, 야드 크레인으로 장치, 안벽크레인이 하역 하기 위한 정보시스템 yard crane driver Mini-TOS planner yard tractor driver operator quay crane driver IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

8 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
개요 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System 주요 내용 DB연동 TOS 환경 구축 일반적인 컨테이너 터미널의 장치 반영 DB 를 통한 데이터의 입,출력 및 업데이트 Planner가 web에 접속 하여 QC working schedule 수립 각종 장비의 운전기사들이 단말기로 web을 통해 접속 하여 TOS로 부터 작업 스케쥴을 할당 받음 운영자는 web에 접속하여 터미널 상황 모니터링 및 YT 배차 Web 기반 환경 단말기 ↔ Mini-TOS Interaction 야드나 장비 모니터를 통해 터미널 상황 정보 제공 각 장비의 기사가 TOS의 작업 지시 를 단말기로 수신 작업 지시 결과를 TOS에 전송 IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

9 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
개요 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Mini-TOS 시스템 구조도 QC DRIVER YC DRIVER YT DRIVER QC data terminal YC data terminal YT data terminal Planner Working schedule QC QC Working schedule YC Job list YT Job DB Planner Console 운영 모듈 계획 모듈 Operator Yard monitor QC Working schedule QC monitor YC monitor YT consol DB Equipment console 통제 모듈 IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

10 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
개요 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System 가정 수평 장치장을 대상으로 하며 게이트 반/출입은 고려 하지 않음 플래너는 선박 도착전에 플래닝할 준비가 되어 있음 플래닝할 수 있는 사전 정보 및 관련 전자문서 들을 알고 있음 터미널 레이아웃 Vertical Layout 2QC, 2YC, 4YT 4Blocks A2 B2 A1 B1 IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

11 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Data Flow Diagram for Planner ※ 작업할 선박에 대한 컨테이너 정보는 사전에 플래너가 입수 ※ Planned = 0 적하계획이 안됨, Planned = 1 적하계획이 되어 있음 IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

12 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Data Flow Diagram for Operator IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

13 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Data Flow Diagram for QC IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

14 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Data Flow Diagram for YT IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

15 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Data Flow Diagram for YC IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

16 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Sequence Diagram for Discharge IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

17 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Sequence Diagram for Load IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

18 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
DB 디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Database Design CONTAINER CON_ID LOCATION PLAN EQUIPMENT WORKING_PLACE EQ_ID ETYPE WP_ID WTYPE YT_STATE YT_ID JTYPE CID EID STATE QC_JOB_LIST NUMBER EQID JOBTYPE CONID JLOCATION YC_JOB_LIST E_ID J_TYPE C_ID J_LOCATION NUM ※ CONTAINER Table의 PLAN은 적하계획이 세워지면 load라고 표기 ※ YT Table의 EID= qc1 STATE= wait 일 경우 QC1에서 작업을 대기, EID= qc1 STATE= move 일 경우 QC1으로 오고 있는 중, EID= qc1 STATE= idle 일 경우 QC1이 작업을 마친 상태 ※ JOB_LIST의 JLOCATION은 YC나 QC가 상/하차 할 위치를 나타냄, YC나 QC가 YT의 하차를 완료하면 JOB_LIST에서 하차된 잡이 사라지며 JLOCATION의 값은 CONTAINER table의 LOCATION 에 업데이트 된다. IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

19 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
UI 디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System User Interface Design – Planner Command Window for Planner Select the QC & ship QC ID : QC1 Ship ID : ship1 Submit ‘QC1’ Job List Job Type Container Planned Position Current Position d con1 block1 ship1 d con2 block1 ship1 d con3 block1 ship1 d con4 block1 ship1 l con5 ship1 block1 Refresh Assign the Discharge Job to ‘QC1’, ‘ship1’ Assign the Load Job to ‘QC1’, ‘ship1’ Container : con12 Container : con25 Assign Block ID: block1 Assign ※ Discharge일 경우 플래너가 서류를 보고 양하 계획을 세움 DB에 컨테이너 정보 저장 됨 ※ Load일 경우 블록에 있는 컨테이너가 적하 후보가 되며, 플래너는 야드 모니터를 보고 적하 계획함 ※ Plan 열 0= 기본값 1= 수출 2= 수입 3= 환적 4= 반출 IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

20 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
UI 디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System User Interface Design – QC Operator’s Terminal QC Operator’s Terminal Login your QC QC ID : qc1 Login Working schedule Job Type Container Planned Position Current Position Available YT ID d con1 block1 ship1 Yt1, yt2 d con2 block1 ship1 Yt1, yt2 d con3 block1 ship1 Yt1, yt2 l con5 ship1 yt3 yt3 l con7 ship1 ship1 l con8 ship1 ship1 ※ 링크가 걸린 yt1은 현재 QC앞에 대기하고 있다는 것을 나타내며 yt2는 현재 QC앞으로 오고 있는 것을 나타냄 ※ 작업할 YT를 선택하면 DB의 yt 상태가 IDLE로 전환 되며 Operator가 다음위치를 정해주어야 함 ※ 작업할 YT를 선택하면 DB의 container table의 location 열의 값이 선택된 yt로 변경 됨 Refresh working schedule IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

21 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
UI 디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System User Interface Design – YC Operator’s Terminal YC Operator’s Terminal Login your YC YC ID : yc1 Connect Job list Job Type Container Planned Position Current Position Available YT ID d con1 block1 ship1 yt1 d con2 block1 ship1 d con3 block1 ship1 d con4 ship1 yt3 yt4 l con5 block1 ship1 yt3 d con6 ship1 ship1 ※ 링크가 걸린 yt1은 현재 YC앞에 대기하고 있다는 것을 나타내며 yt4는 현재 YC앞으로 오고 있는 것을 나타냄 Refresh job list ※ 작업할 YT를 선택하면 DB의 YT 상태가 IDLE로 전환 되며 Operator가 다음위치를 정해주어야 함 ※ 작업할 YT를 선택하면 DB의 container table의 location 열의 값이 선택된 yt로 변경 됨 IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

22 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
UI 디자인 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System User Interface Design – YT Operator’s Terminal YT Operator’s Terminal ‘yt1’ Conneted Logout Login your YT Get your new job YT ID : yt1 Login Job Type Container EQ ID State d qc1 move Arrival ※ Arrival 버튼을 클릭할 경우 YT 상태(State)가 wait가 된다.이후 상/하차가 완료되면 YT 상태는 idle이 되며 Operator의 이동지시를 받는다. IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

23 Command Window of CT Equipment for Port Operator
Implement of simple Terminal Operating System User Interface Design – Yard Monitor for Operator Command Window of CT Equipment for Port Operator Yard Monitor ‘Block1’ State ‘Block2’ State ‘Block3’ State ‘Block4’ State Container ID plan Container ID plan Container ID plan Container ID plan con2 1 con22 1 con42 1 con52 1 con3 1 con23 1 con53 1 con4 con24 con54 con6 con26 con56 con16 con126 con156 con17 con127 con157 con32 1 con516 con43 1 con62 con54 con137 con66 con176 con217 Refresh QC Monitor YC Monitor Yard Truck Monitor IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

24 Command Window of CT Equipment for Operator
Implement of simple Terminal Operating System User Interface Design – Operator Command Window of CT Equipment for Operator Yard Monitor QC Monitor YC Console Refresh Yard Truck Console Refresh Refresh ‘QC1’ working schedule YC ID : yc1 YT State Select ‘YC1’ Job List Job Type Container Planned Position Current Position Available YT ID YT ID Job Type Container Equipment State Job Type Container Planned Position Current Position Available YT ID d con1 block1 ship1 Yt1, yt2 yt1 d qc1 wait d con2 block1 ship1 Yt1, yt2 yt2 d con2 qc1 move d con1 block1 ship1 yt4 d con3 block1 ship1 Yt1, yt2 yt3 l yc1 wait d con2 block1 ship1 l con5 ship1 yt3 yt4 d con4 yc1 move d con3 block1 ship1 l con5 ship1 yt3 d con6 block1 ship1 ‘QC2’ working schedule Assign the Discharge Job to YT Assign the Load Job to YT Job Type Container Planned Position Current Position Available YT ID Assign the Discharge Job to ‘YC1’ Assign the Load Job to ‘YC1’ YT ID : YT ID : d con11 block1 ship1 Yt1, yt2 yt1 yt1 Equipment : Equipment : d con12 block1 ship1 Yt1, yt2 qc1 yc1 Container : Container : con5 d con13 block1 ship1 Yt1, yt2 con4 Assign Assign l con15 ship1 block1 Assign Assign l con16 ship1 block1 ※ YC Monitor 에서 YC에 양하 작업을 할당할 경우 Location은 장치할 위치를 의미하며, 적하작업을 할당할 경우 꺼낼 위치를 의미한다. ※ YT Monitor 에서 YT에 작업을 할당할 경우 YT State = move 가 된다. IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

25 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
구현 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System 개발 환경 Program language : Python 2.5, Mysqldb DBMS : MYSQL Web server : IIS OS : Windows XP Inter(R) core(TM)2 Quad cpu 2.4GHz 2GB RAM IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

26 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
구현 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Web server 구현 IIS IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

27 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
구현 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System DB 구현 MySQL DB IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

28 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
구현 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System UI 구현 – Window for operator IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

29 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
구현 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System UI 구현 – Window for Planner IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

30 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
구현 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System UI 구현 – Terminal(RDT) for drivers IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

31 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
구현 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Python Code IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

32 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
예제 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System QC - Discharge IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

33 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
예제 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System QC - Load IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

34 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
예제 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System YC - Discharge IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

35 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
예제 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System YC - Load IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

36 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
예제 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System YT - Discharge IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

37 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
예제 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System YT - Load IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

38 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System
시연 Implement of simple Terminal Operating System Mini-TOS 시연 Web address PLANER - OPERATOR - QC - YC - YT - IKE Lab. Dept. of Logistics Information Technology Pusan National University

39 Thank You!!

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