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Containers QCA ART Unit 5B. This project wants you to design and make a container to hold something special to you.

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Presentation on theme: "Containers QCA ART Unit 5B. This project wants you to design and make a container to hold something special to you."— Presentation transcript:

1 containers QCA ART Unit 5B

2 This project wants you to design and make a container to hold something special to you.

3 Designing Which design suits the material you are going to use? Is the shape that you have in mind suitable for clay, pâpier maché, cane, woven card, wire etc? If you want to decorate the container, is the shape that you have chosen suitable

4 Examples of Inca Pottery

5 weaving your container

6 decoration which would be ideal for bowls

7 Greek Pottery and Vases

8 pâpier mach é pots made by Middle School children

9 Made out of card and covered with layers of Pâpier Mach é

10 Using a plastic fruit bowl as a starting point and adding layers of pâpier mach é, the shape was decorated by collage techniques in the style of the Australian Aborigines.

11 These pots were made by Middle School pupils and were based on plants of the rainforest, hence the twining vines and paper orchid shapes.

12 Faberge eggs - Mementos of a Doomed Dynasty Every Year, Fabergé's Imperial Easter eggs would be given to the Tsar of Russia, an expressions in miniature of the life of imperial privilege. According to author and Fabergé expert, Géza von Habsburg, "They are the absolute summit of craftsmanship. They are unbelievably made. They were the sort of apogee of what Fabergé was able to do, and he lavished everything he could on them." Ultimately, these eggs would become painful reminders of the tragic events to come.

13 A present for a Queen On Easter morning, Fabergé delivers to the palace what appears to be a simple enameled egg. But to the delight of the Empress, inside is a golden yolk; within the yolk is a golden hen; and concealed within the hen is a diamond miniature of the royal crown and a tiny ruby egg – both now lost to history.

14 Faberge Eggs Fifteenth Anniversary egg (1911), a family album just over five-inches-tall. detailed paintings depict the most notable events of the reign of Nicholas II and each of the family members. says Forbes, "probably more than any other egg, it is the one most intimately associated with the whole tragedy of Nicholas and Alexandra and that incredibly beautiful family. There are these five children – all these sort of glamorous events surrounding their lives – and there they are looking out at us happily unknowing what was going to happen to them just a few years later."

15 The Romanovs – War and change The next day, a decree is passed ordering the arrest of Nicholas II and all other members of the Romanov family. The Czar and his family are eventually removed to Siberia where they are held captive for over a year. In the chilly pre-dawn hours of July 17th, 1918, Nicholas and Alexandra, with their five children – Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexei – are herded into a basement and executed

16 Imperial Faberge eggs

17 Egg designs

18 Your Work Look at your investigation. Look at the shape and form of your container. Remember that your container must hold a wish Design your final container Decorate your investigation

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