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Melissa Spear Phillips Lab Mentor: Rose Reynolds SPUR 2011 Evolution of Genetic Networks Controlling Cellular Stress Response and Longevity.

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Presentation on theme: "Melissa Spear Phillips Lab Mentor: Rose Reynolds SPUR 2011 Evolution of Genetic Networks Controlling Cellular Stress Response and Longevity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Melissa Spear Phillips Lab Mentor: Rose Reynolds SPUR 2011 Evolution of Genetic Networks Controlling Cellular Stress Response and Longevity

2 Aging How do we age? -Damage to cells Why should we care? -Age related diseases -Ways to put off? What is aging?

3 The Stress Theory What is stress? The oxidative stress theory of aging  Harman (1956) Free radicals Does all evidence support this theory?  Huang (2000)  Van Remmen (2003) Cellular stress response determines the rate of aging

4 Investigation 1. Create a stress resistant population 2. Are there changes in longevity response? 3. Are there changes in the genetic networks that control stress response?

5 C. remanei as a Model Organism Similar to C. elegans Controlled environment Ability to freeze Larger genome Greater genetic variation

6 Stress Selection Acute Heat Acute Oxidative No Acute Stress 321 321 321 Control Chronic StressAcute StressBlocks *Also tested ancestor population

7 Progress

8 Testing for Genetic Expression Total RNA extraction mRNA purification mRNA Total RNA

9 Testing for Genetic Expression Synthesized single and double stranded DNA Library Creation

10 RNA Seq What is it?  High through-put DNA sequencing method that maps and quantifies transcriptomes Benefits  Expression of different alleles of a gene  Detect post- transcriptional modifications  Identify gene fusions

11 RNA Seq Processing Samples Illumina Data

12 RNA Seq Results Figure 1

13 Examples of RNA Seq Results Stress SelectedControl

14 Future Directions Determine responsible pathways Genetically engineer worms

15 Acknowledgements Rose Reynolds Kristin Sikkink Patrick Phillips Phillips Lab Cresko Lab SPUR Program

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