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Early Childhood Movement Day-San Diego-3.30.11 Moving to Learn HSBS & GeoMotion Group, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Childhood Movement Day-San Diego-3.30.11 Moving to Learn HSBS & GeoMotion Group, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Childhood Movement Day-San Diego-3.30.11 Moving to Learn HSBS & GeoMotion Group, Inc

2 Presenters JoAnne Owens-Nauslar Paola Fontana Debby Mitchell Barbara English Nancy Noonan Donna Altenburger – – – – – – –

3 That’s ME Parent Grand Parent/Great-Grand Parent Teacher/Director Administrator Child Care Provider Love Music & Movement Pet Horses/Cows/Other Taking course for credit

4 “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Will Rogers You will remember: 10%-Read 20%-Hear 30%-See 50%-See & Hear 70%-Discuss 80%-EXPERIENCE 95%-TEACH SOMEONE ELSE - William Glasser

5 Points to Ponder At least 2 activities that you can replicate -LEARNERCISE Have a chance to laugh, learn, share, & participate Participate in activities that promote movement and brain development Better understand the role of meaningful movement, music, and school success –Brain development –Pro-Social behavior –Physical activity –Music, rhythm, and movement –Activities tied to national standards with assessment information

6 Let’s Move It I Like to Move It I Like to Wiggle Dalmation Disco

7 Fitness = Linking Movement & Learning Movement is a central mission of the brain. Movement facilitates cognition (Sylvester) Bodily Kinesthetic is one of eight multiple intelligences (Gardner) Raising the heart rate oxygenates the brain and feeds it glucose (brain food) (Ratey) Neurons =Axon Cell=Membrane=DENDRITES

8 Linking Movement & Learning Brain Research= most of the brain is activated during physical activity – much more so than when doing seatwork. Jensen= sitting for more than 10 minutes at a stretch “reduces our awareness of physical and emotional sensations and increases fatigue.” – reduced concentration – discipline problems. Movement= increases blood vessels that allow for the delivery of oxygen, water, and glucose (“brain food”) to the brain. FUEL More Movement – Smarter Kids

9 Movement & Learning Concepts Green Yellow Red Stomp For Each Number 9 1 1

10 Linking Movement & Learning More Movement – Smarter Kids movement-smarter-kids.htm movement-smarter-kids.htm Einstein Quote: “Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.” The cerebellum, the part of the brain previously associated with motor control only, is now known to be, as Eric Jensen, author of numerous books on brain-based learning, puts it, a “virtual switchboard of cognitive activity.” More Movement – Smarter Kids

11 Linking Movement & Learning Repetitive gross motor movement balances brain chemicals that calm behavior and elevates self esteem and self worth and accommodates ADD/ADHD (Jensen) Exercise triggers BDNF that increases neuronal communication (Squires) What makes us move is also what makes us think (Hesslow)

12 Employee Wellness & Movement Car Wash Old McDonald had a color farm


14 Grant Opportunity http://www.fueluptoplay60. com

15 Linking Movement & Learning RAS/Vestibular systems are turned on through movement for reading, math, and language (Hannaford) Enthusiastic movement = improved behavior, mental focus, and memory retention of ADHD students (Wendt) Exercise has the same effect and benefit as anti- depressant medications (Ratey) The same part of the brain that’s processes movement is the same part of the brain that is processing learning (Strick)

16 Math/Music/Music Green, Yellow, Red Bunny Hop Jump

17 Contact GeoMotion Group JoAnne Owens-Nauslar Paola Fontana Debby Mitchell 407.275.0510

18 Dr. Jo Philosophy People who want milk should not seat themselves in the middle of the pasture and hope that the cow backs up to them.

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