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What happens in Harrison’s Fifth Grade? The Fifth Grade Team MMMMiss Debbie Craig MMMMrs. Debbie Faber MMMMiss Kristin Storz MMMMrs.

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Presentation on theme: "What happens in Harrison’s Fifth Grade? The Fifth Grade Team MMMMiss Debbie Craig MMMMrs. Debbie Faber MMMMiss Kristin Storz MMMMrs."— Presentation transcript:



3 What happens in Harrison’s Fifth Grade?

4 The Fifth Grade Team MMMMiss Debbie Craig MMMMrs. Debbie Faber MMMMiss Kristin Storz MMMMrs. Jill Ehrlich MMMMrs. Helene Crystal MMMMrs. Wendy Kohn MMMMrs. Alice Wigler  D D D Daily Team Meetings Collaborative Planning

5  Novel Study  Literature Circles  Nonfiction text  Time for Kids  Independent Reading  Reading Strategies  Making Connections  Visualization  Questioning  Inferencing  Determining Importance  Monitoring For Meaning  Synthesizing

6  Words Their Way  Handwriting  Grammar  Writer’s Workshop  Personal Narrative  Realistic Fiction  Personal Essay  Poetry

7 Solar System and Space Exploration Solar System and Space Exploration Changing Earth Changing Earth Volcanoes Volcanoes Earthquakes Earthquakes Earth History Earth History Pangaea Pangaea Dinosaurs and Fossils Dinosaurs and Fossils Life Science Life Science Ecosystems Ecosystems Physical Science Physical Science Simple and Complex Machines Simple and Complex Machines

8 Hands on/Inquiry Based Learning Hands on/Inquiry Based Learning Assessment Assessment Experimental Labs Experimental Labs Unit Tests Unit Tests Homework Homework Projects Projects Buehler Exhibition Buehler Exhibition

9  The Nature and History of Geography  The Age of Exploration  The Age of Colonization  The American Revolution  The Constitution  Westward Expansion  The Civil War and Reconstruction

10  Unit Tests  Quizzes  Projects  Oral History Project  Explorer Shield  Civil War Scrapbook

11 Units of Study Units of Study Data AnalysisData Analysis Number SenseNumber Sense MultiplicationMultiplication DivisionDivision FractionsFractions DecimalsDecimals Calendar Math Calendar Math GeometryGeometry MeasurementMeasurement

12 Pre-TestsPost-Tests Flex Grouping Notebook Quizzes Spiral Quizzes Projects/Activities Partner GamesPartner Games ChessChess

13  Essential Questions  Example: How do people grow and develop personally? (Novel Study)  Example: How are the characteristics of explorers seen throughout history and in the world today? (Social Studies)  Reading Strategies  Problem Solving/Decision Making

14 Homework Agenda  Homework is copied daily.  Parent signs as confirmation of homework completion.

15 Harrison Folder  Transports homework to and from school  folder placed in backpack immediately upon completion of homework  Agenda contains homework buddy’s name and phone number

16 Study Area  properly lighted  quiet  spacious  contains all necessary tools

17 Policy for Absences  It is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher for work missed when not in class. This includes an absence or leaving the room for band, GT, forensics, etc.  Check website for homework assignments  When absent, homework requests cannot be filled until 2:45pm

18  5 th Grade Handbook  Policies and Procedures Birthdays  Contact Information  Teacher Availability  Individual Classroom Incentives  Available on teachers’ webpages

19 Availability Availability before school: 7:45-8:05 a.m. after school: 2:25-2:55 p.m. Math Help: Wednesdays and Thursdays 2:30-3:10 p.m. Please contact us to schedule a time.

20 This ends the teacher presentation. You are invited to go upstairs to peruse your child’s classroom


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