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The set up of the RICO intercomparison case Louise Nuijens, A. Pier Siebesma and Margreet van Zanten Photo courtesy Bjorn Stevens KNMI and Wageningen University,

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Presentation on theme: "The set up of the RICO intercomparison case Louise Nuijens, A. Pier Siebesma and Margreet van Zanten Photo courtesy Bjorn Stevens KNMI and Wageningen University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The set up of the RICO intercomparison case Louise Nuijens, A. Pier Siebesma and Margreet van Zanten Photo courtesy Bjorn Stevens KNMI and Wageningen University, The Netherlands

2 Initial objective to focus one single day: January 11 th 2004 –Almost complete suite of measurement facilities present –Average amount of precip : 0.6 mm/day

3 However, not the best choice: 1.Atmospheric state variable during the day 2.No way to derive LS-budget for one specific day 3.LES results create too vigorous clouds

4 Alternative: Construct a composite based on a suppressed period from 16/12/04 till 08/01/05 Average precip in this period: 0.34 mm/day

5 Average Soundings for this period

6 To obtain LS forcings: Use a high-res hindcast for the whole RICO period.

7 Total rainfall rate RACMO

8 Large Scale Forcings: subsidenceHor. q-advection Hor. T-advection

9 Radiative Tendency

10 Surface Conditions

11 Budget Analysis -15 -36 + 75 -69 +5 + 10 -6 -11 -125 + 140 - 10 0.3K/day 0.05 g/kg /day

12 SCM vs LES profiles


14 Microphysics Flight Nc [cm -3 ]Precipitation [Wm -2 ] RF06 63.5 +/- 56.1 22.5 +/- 0.8 RF07 30.4 +/- 23.7 5.5 +/- 0.4 RF08 40.9 +/- 36.3 22.5 +/- 0.5 RF09 44.5 +/- 35.0 6.2 +/- 0.2 RF010 47.4 +/- 43.7 12.1 +/- 0.8 RF011 52.7 +/- 59.2 12.7 +/- 0.6 Nc of case study set to 45

15 What is a cloud? (or how to define a cloudy/rainy gridcell?) Set up: q c or N r > 0 (or  ) -> not so useful for bin models We need a physically based threshold! Choices:* threshold based on q c /q r or N c /N r * waterweighted (to calculate mean N) Preferentially one which is suitable for RICO data analysis as well.

16 DALES sensitivity

17 RAMS@NOAA sensitivity

18 DHARMA sensitivity

19 Threshold Based on q c and q r : 0.01and 0.001 g/kg Based on N r 5 per liter Photo courtesy Bjorn Stevens

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