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measurement, error, and sig figs

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Presentation on theme: "measurement, error, and sig figs"— Presentation transcript:

1 measurement, error, and sig figs

2 Data Qualitative Quantitative
non-numerical information obtained from observations, not from measurement Quantitative numerical information obtained from measurements always associated with random error/uncertainties

3 Precision vs. Accuracy precision accuracy
the exactness of a measurement small amount of randomness describes how close together repeated measurements or events are to one another-- even if it is wrong accuracy closeness of a measured result to an actual/true value “is the answer correct?”



6 Experimental Error error in a measurement refers to the degree of fluctuation in a measurement types systematic error instrumental, personal, or methodology errors examples- scale not set to zero, thermometer with an air bubble, reading a measurement too high or low… be sure to address if this will have a major or minor effect on final results collecting more data will NOT help “THE” meter stick

7 I never saw that rock in there. I guess my measurement is too high
Ooops! I guess my measurement is too high

8 random error/uncertainty
a measurement could either be too high OR too low human error in reading equipment environmental error such as fluctuations in equipment, vibrations…. can be reduced by taking more measurements and finding an average random error no systematic error

9 range of random uncertainties (error) digital equipment
+ or – the smallest division on the equipment 24.8 ºC could be either 24.7 or 24.9 smallest division is the tenths place /- 0.1 ºC

10 analog equipment + or – half the smallest division on the equipment
take the “best” the equipment can measure, and cut in half smallest division is one second 20.6 sec could be as low as 20.1 sec or as high as 21.1 sec. 20.6 +/- 0.5 sec Don’t forget in analog equipment you can always estimate the last digit. It is still significant. The 6 was estimated by the person measuring and is NOT the smallest division capable by the equipment

11 256.15 +/- .05g smallest division is .1 estimated by a person
.1/2 = .05 estimated by a person

12 5.55 +/- .05 cm smallest division is .1 estimated by a person
.1/2 = .05 estimated by a person

13 124.465 +/- .005 g smallest division is .01 .01/2 = .005
estimated by a person

14 /- .5 ml smallest division is 1 1/2 = .5 estimated by a person

15 Significant Figures sig fig video the numbers that are measured, plus one more number that is estimated Significant figures every nonzero digit , 0.743, 714 zeros between nonzero digits , 40.79, 1.503 zeros at the end of a number and to the right of a decimal point= 43.00, 1.010, 9.000 Non-significant figures leftmost zeros acting as place holders , rightmost zeros acting as place holders- 300, 7000, 27,210

16 How would you show 7000 with two sig figs?
7.0 x 103 With four sig figs? 7.000 x 103 or 7000.

17 best answer is around 2.63 cm
to a scientist this number means “between 2.60 and 2.70 cm.” the last digit, 3, representing the smallest amount, is uncertain, but it is still significant always “push it” one more decimal place by estimating

18 Number (m) Significant figures 47.7 3 0.43 2 1.304 4 8.00 300 1 3.00X102

19 Significant Figures When Calculating:
sig fig rounding video Significant Figures When Calculating: Addition and Subtraction an answer should not be more accurate than your measurements! the answer should be rounded to the same number of decimal places as the measurement with the least number of decimal places 22.75 cm cm cm = on your calculator however, 10.1 cm has the least number of decimal places therefore, the answer is cm

20 Multiplication and Division
an answer should not be more accurate than your measurements! the answer should be rounded to the same number of significant figures as the measurement with the least number of significant figures 0.7 m x m = m2 on your calculator however, 0.7 m has the least number of significant figures therefore, the answer is 70 m2

21 Percentage Error |error| accepted value % error = X 100%
What is the percent error if the boiling point of water is measured at 99.2° Celsius? % error = °C °C X 100% 100.0°C = 0.8°C X 100% = X 100% = 0.8%


23 Graphical Techniques sketched graphs
variables are labeled axes but no units shows trends

24 drawn graphs have labeled and scaled axes always display units
can “calculate” slope/gradient intercept a “best-fit” line

25 could you… draw line of best fit find the intercept on the y-axis
calculate the slope/gradient

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