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UNIFICATION OF GERMANY AND ITALY Chapter 10 a. Napoleon had unknowingly instilled a spirit of nationalism.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIFICATION OF GERMANY AND ITALY Chapter 10 a. Napoleon had unknowingly instilled a spirit of nationalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIFICATION OF GERMANY AND ITALY Chapter 10 a. Napoleon had unknowingly instilled a spirit of nationalism

2 I. Unification of Germany

3 A. Wilhelm I (William I) 1. following Napoleon's overthrowal there had been 300 German states (countries) b. had many common interests such as language, history, heroes, traditions


5 2. Wilhelm I--King of Prussia-- 1861-88 a. wanted to put Prussia into a power position in Europe b. appointed Otto Von Bismarck as Prime Minister to fulfill his dream of German unification under Prussian leadership

6 C. Realpolitik- “politics of reality” politics based on practical matters rather than on theory or ethics. Ignore Parliament i. Liberalism-held that people should be as free as possible from gov’t restraints. Protection of rights-Bill of Rights.

7 D. saw Prussia's future in her army and military strength-(collect taxes) i. national guard--males trained than sent home and a new group brought in and trained while the others trained at home

8 E. every possible military situation planned for i. excellent military leaders, planning, supplies, etc.

9 3. Bismarck, Otto von

10 A. saw Prussian leadership essential to German unification B. had the support of the emperor and the military

11 C. "blood and iron"--in order to unify, Bismarck said talk, songs, speeches were useless i. only through the shedding of blood and use of military force could this be accomplished

12 ii. result was a policy of "blood andiron" iii. became known as the "Iron Chancellor"

13 B. Unification

14 Nationalism a. love of one's country above all else b. belief in country right or wrong

15 The three battles for Unification 1. Bismark and his army first attacked Denmark by asking Austria for help as an ally. Germany + Austria= Victory 2. Bismark and the German army turn around and attacked Austria and won, kicking Austria out of Germany. 3. Bismark went after France under Napoleon III.

16 Franco-Prussian War a. Bismarck able to isolate enemies in previous conflicts b. both France and Prussia looking for an excuse to attack each other

17 c. Ems Dispatch provided this i. French ambassador wanted to meet the Prussian king to discuss the Spanish succession--met once at Ems and felt that something had been accomplished

18 ii. king informed Bismarck of the meeting and Bismarck "doctored" the telegram to make it sound insulting to the French--the Prussian king dismissed the French ambassador with contempt

19 iii. telegram released July 14 (Bastille Day)--French outraged and demanded war, just what Bismarck wanted. Bismarck-never leave an enemy wanting revenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20 e. French army weak, inefficient and easily defeated by the well trained, armed and led Prussians i. a quick victory ii. Napoleon tried to inspire his troops, but was captured iii. Paris fell in December, 1870 and France asked for peace

21 3. Treaty of Frankfort (Jan. 1871) a. very harsh b. demanded $1,000,000,000 indemnity within three years c. German troops to occupy northern France until money is paid

22 d. took Alsace and part of Lorraine, both iron producing areas i. Bismarck didn't think this was a good idea but had no choice, people wanted some land

23 4. just before signing the treaty German unification took place a. all German states joined except the Austro-Hungarian Empire b. capital of the new Empire was Berlin c. king of the new Empire was Kaiser(Emperor) Wilhelm I

24 d. prime minister of the new Empire was Chancellor Bismarck e. all had been important in the old Prussia and would remain so until Hitler comes to power

25 Y.T.T.W. Explain “Blood and Iron.” Why did Bismarck feel it was necessary not to leave any enemy wanting revenge?

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