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International Child Development Programmes AIM, OBJECTIVE AND COMPONENTS OF THE ICDP PROGRAMME N.Armstrong 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "International Child Development Programmes AIM, OBJECTIVE AND COMPONENTS OF THE ICDP PROGRAMME N.Armstrong 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Child Development Programmes AIM, OBJECTIVE AND COMPONENTS OF THE ICDP PROGRAMME N.Armstrong 2011

2 International Child Development Programmes The aim of the programme To bring out and sustain good quality interaction between caregivers and their children, by raising the awareness of caregivers about the children psycho-social needs and increasing their sensitivity to respond to these needs.

3 International Child Development Programmes Objectives of the programme: 1. To release empathy in the caregiver so he can identify with and ‘feel with the child’, sense its state and needs and adjust to the child’s initiatives. 2. To strengthen self confidence in the caregiver. 3. To promote a sensitive emotional expressive communication and interaction between caregiver and child that may lead to a positive developmental relationship between the two. 4. To promote interaction between caregiver and child, which will expand, enrich and guide the child’s experiences and actions in relation to the surrounding world. 5. To reactivate indigenous child rearing practices, including the child culture of play, games, songs and co-operative activities.

4 International Child Development Programmes Main components of the ICDP programme IMPLEMENTATION: -pre-implementation procedures -planning meetings -meetings with groups of caregivers -monitoring checklists and field diaries -evaluation of project’s impact Persons facilitating ICDPCaregiversChildren 7 PRINCIPLES OF SENSITIZING EXERCISES CAREGIVERS’ CONCEPTIONS 8 GUIDELINES FOR GOOD INTERACTION

5 International Child Development Programmes Expected effects on the caregiver ä More loving and positive ä More attentive and responsive to the child’s initiatives ä More able to communicate in a non verbal way with the child ä Giving more praise and confirmations to the child ä Giving more names and descriptions to what the child experiences ä Giving more explanations and expansions ä More positive regulations and more positive limit setting

6 International Child Development Programmes Expected effects on the child if caregivers apply the 8 guidelines in typical daily interactive situations: ä More positive and open, more responsive to emotional cues ä More self confident and active, following more own ideas and initiatives ä Asking more questions and being more explorative ä With more developed fantasy ä More interested in explanations and comparisons ä More able to plan and reflect ahead; more able to control his/her immediate impulses, adjusting more readily to others and more able to follow rules of co-operation.

7 International Child Development Programmes Implementation – 12 weekly meetings with caregivers: Each facilitator delivers the ICDP programme to a group of caregivers Caregivers Facilitators

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